thank you Gerard,

"Maybe there is something like having a critical mass: the more have
experienced a good event, the more will think of the next one. If that's
true, the beginning is slow - but it sounds like you will have 100

i hope so

People understand what is OST...because for long time i thought i was
not able to explain...but in fact no, they hear and understand what i say

- but they are afraid or worse, it's not good for their benefit to open 

sometimes we make jokes...

- we have been trying so hard to close the space till now, for such a long 
time, do you want to open it now? some cases, when i feel something like above...all my energy and 
hope is lost.

another reaction i often face is something like that

- .........."ok Funda...but how you would make your living with 
that?"....then i explain..." but many people are living
with that all around the world, such and such meetings are held...."....they 
say but are not convinced at all......."..ok... "...or they say
"......forget about the private sector, go to World Bank.........."


greetings from Turkey to Denmark,


Gerard Muller <> wrote:  Dear Funda,

Reading your mail I thought back of how I began with Open Space.

My Austrian collegue Leopold told me about his first one, I bought 
Harrison's book
and having just read it I told a client the next day who said "We are 
organising a company day next month,
could that be an Open Space ?".

After that first one I was really ready for the second (and third, 
fourth, .....)

Somehow that did not happen, and nothing I can think of I did in the 
next 9 months seemed to make a difference.
I found that quite frustrating.

Then the second one happened (totally unconnected logically to anything 
I had done).
This is history - early this year I passed the 200 mark, and my 250th 
Open Space event is not too far away.

Whenever it starts is the right time.

Looking back over the years, it seems most events are initiatives of 
participants of earlier events.
For example yesterday I had a meeting with a Swedish University. In it 
was a lady who had been
to an event about cooperation across the bridge (between Denmark and 
The idea came from the chairman of an organisation I had done an event 
for 3 years ago.
At the time, that chairman decided to have an Open Space because he was 
invited to an event
his Danish competitors organised four years ago ..........

Maybe there is something like having a critical mass: the more have 
experienced a good event,
the more will think of the next one. If that's true, the beginning is 
slow - but it sounds like you will
have 100 ambassadors.

Good luck opening space in Turkey,

Greetings from Denmark,

Gerard Muller
Open Space Institute Denmark
Phone: (+45) 21269621

On Nov 11, 2005, at 11:37 AM, Funda Oral wrote:

> Dear all,
> me
> I have been trying to introduce OST in Turkey for nearly 2 years now.
> I studied at very good schools in Turkey, had a chance to work in 
> Italy, travel around europe
> and visit India during OSonOS 2005.  I speak french, english, a little 
> bit italian and of course turkish.
> I recently had a chance to go to Berlin, participate a training by 
> Holger about consultancy and meet Michael Pannwitz
> and some other colleagues there.
> I have invested  (am still investing) all my time, my energy,my 
> money,my relationships into that. 
> I have already contacted many NGO's, universities, consultancy firms, 
> political parties, everbody
> around me........ 
> I am doing this because i believe in OST and i feel that it's needed 
> everywhere and 
> critically, urgently  needed in the environment i am living.
> I stopped calculating long time ago how much all these efforts would 
> bring me in terms of money,
> career and future....otherwise i would have stopped all my efforts, 
> bought a little house
> and found a job which pays me and this would have been much more 
> rational.
> If you consider that i studied Business Administration in english, 
> i am taught all these
> calculations.  
> Next week we ( Holger, Michael, Jo and me) will have a teleconference 
> on "how
> we can cooperate in the introduction of OST into Turkey"
> Valerie is not participating to the conference, i am a bit sorry about 
> that as she
> would understand better my situation because she lives in South 
> Africa. I am currently reading
> PoP book and am very impressed by what they did together ( valerie and 
> harrison) there.
> Anyway i will probably go on my way with or without your support. I am 
> already negotiating
> and reached an agreement to open space for about 100 young people. 
> This is a volunteer
> work. I am ready to do that without having a proper training about OST 
> facilitation. 
> OST as a business in Turkey
> I am looking forward to see
> * that OST is accepted as a tool here and people are ready to pay it.
> * many colleagues joining me with this work and see their future in 
> that area.
> * that OST becomes a must in the development of EU projects...where 
> most of the money
> is coming to Turkey
> * that it becomes a subject taught at the universities
> * that it's on the newpapers and media
> * that foreign investments, foreign companies bring OST to 
> Turkey.......this is another source
> which brings jobs and money here.
> WE, OS Community
> I really wish we could cooperate to make organised efforts, together, 
> for OST to spread
> around the world...more and more money spend there....more resources 
> are
> allocated into this area....more workforce is engaged...more 
> investment are on.
> I wish this yes for my future...for future of OST....for the change we 
> would bring to life,
> to organizations, to young people etc, to everybody.........    
> This is a little long invitation letter but short if you consider the 
> time i spent ( am still spending)
> to put these together.
> Thank you,
> Funda
> * * ========================================================== 
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