Hi there folks..

for my workshops I have used a processwork exercise from arny mindell which might be useful for a open space closing..... First ask them if they have any questions about how to take the learning beyond the open space event... any blocks or things against how to take a project into action... then to set the question aside.. the next stage is to pick a moment during the whole event which flirts with you in your imagination.. it can be any small moment.. often i encourage people to think of things that happened in breaks rather than something that has to directly connect with working on stuff. It made them laugh or even annoyed or disturbed them..

then you think of the quality of that moment and put it into your hand and move it with that quality.. if you want you can get people to let it go into their whole bodies.. ask them to distill the essence of it.. ask them how they might need more of that quality in their life or how it might answer the question of how to take this work back into... "The real world". Or how it might answer their earlier question? Does it have an answer...? The answers that come can often be surprising! If this quality was a lyfestyle what would it support you to do!!

If you get people to take it into their whole bodies it releases an incredible energy.. seeing people how they really are!!!

just a thought.



On 15 Nov 2005, at 16:16, Lisa Heft wrote:

Hi, Jimmy --

[I have changed to title of our message to more closely reflect the content, as it has shifted from finding folks in San Antonio to describing what is an inquiry circle. That will make it easier for anyone who may be looking up topics in the OSLIST archives at some future time.]

Chris mentioned in an earlier message an Inquiry Circle I hosted at the Open Space on Open Space world gathering in Halifax this August - and Cliodhna had indeed asked us to share a description - so: thank you, Jimmy for explaining it (I’ve been away with precious little time at my computer).

Jimmy wrote:

< A format that I witnessed at last year's National Coalition for

Dialogue and Democracy conference was an inquiry circle among a group

of speakers before a plenary.  Six speakers spoke for several minutes

on what they saw in the future for dialogue and deliberation.  In the

inquiry circle, the facilitator posed a question to the first

speaker.  The first speaker answered that question.  They then posed

a new question for the next speaker, etc., until all had answered a

question.  The went around a couple of times. Thus, a small group on

stage had a type of dialogue that the large group witnessed.>

That is indeed where I learned it. I was so excited, also, to experience an audience-engagement panel process. A further detail - after the facilitator gave a question to the first panelist, who answered it, shared a few thoughts on the subject and 'gifted' a question to the next panelist, and so on through the ‘panel’ of invited speakers - then the facilitator turned to the audience with the last panelist's question to gift it to us. The audience was sitting at small round tables seating 4 or 5 people. We continued the inquiry process at our individual tables. After going around the table, the full group was reconvened in plenary to share threads and thoughts.

It was a really marvelous experience, as it was in our great group in Halifax. I just love it - it is a wonderful co-created experience inviting deep listening and mutual appreciation.

Cheers from Berkeley, California, USA (I may be returning to San Antonio Texas next for further work with the OpenSpaceniks there - ask Don, Jimmy and maybe you can join us),


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