Dear colleagues,
I wanted to share a few pieces of fresh, emergent OST humor from
Viktor Golikov, a consultant who has been OS-apprenticing with Galina
Tsarkova and Mikhail Pronin.

There is much more where this came from. Some of his pearls just don't
lend themselves to adequate (or humorous) translation:

Butterflies- those participants in an OS who have been
cross-pollinated by a bumblebee

Bumblebees- those participants who cross-pollinate the butterflies

Convergence- intensive care for the participants of an OST meeting
after closing

Be prepared to be surprised- a warning for future parents

the Four Principles

1. Whoever comes will leave anyway.
2. Whenever it starts, now THAT will be right time.
3. It is useless to hope that this will ever end.
4. Be happy that this is even happening.


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