Thank you so much Peter, for this lovely account of how you built in the
opportunity for silence, for a space in which the heart and mind could
connect. What a powerful practice and rich opportunity you were able to
offer this group. I like the context that you created too--the celebration
of the report (with champagne no less!) must have created such a positive,
appreciative and creative mental and emotional climate to proceed in.  I am
going to buy some champage tonight and celebrateyour inspiring account of
opening space (in heart and mind) in Joburg!
Kathryn Thomson
(from snowy Bowen Island)


From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 3:51 AM
Subject: FW: higher learning through silence in OST

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Strobosch []
Sent: maandag 5 december 2005 12:45
Subject: higher learning through silence in OST

Subject: Higher learning through silence in OST

Peter Strobosch
Drachtenpad 14
6835 KC Arnhem
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)26 4820122
Mobile +31 (0)6 28067422
Fax +31 (0)26 4820124

Hi all,
I came back recently form an OS conference I facilitated near Joburg, South
Africa. Inspiring working room and envrionment, amidst giraffes, zebras and
antilopes! Sixteen highly qualified participants from development
organisations all over the world. We did a 2,5 day conference.
After having worked the first 1,5 days according to the regular OS schedule
I took the decision to step out of the regular schedule for the third day as
I sensed that people head's were full after 1,5 days of intensive and
inspired dialogue and discussion, and that some breakthroughs might unfold
themselves by creating more mind-heart connection. During the evening of the
second day I wrote a guided imagery focussing on the theme of the
conference. The morning of the third day we celebrated the report with a
glass of non-alcoholic champagne, after which we did some physical playing
outside with the intention to get the particpants a bit out of their heads.
Directly after that I guided them through the imagery, with some music at
the background, leading them to individually answer some of the questions
that were at the heart of the conference. After that the particpants made a
drawing of their answers on a flipchart and wrote the answers down. All in
silence. Only after that the particpants started reading the document. From
celebration until reading took the whole morning. From the imagery until
reading the particpants worked in silence, so practically the whole morning.
Consequence of this approach was that in the afernoon there was no time for
separate action meetings. Being a small group, we worked on convergence and
prioritization in plenary during the afternoon. Each participant used
his/her drawing which made their interventions very lively and connected
wthh the heart.
The important thing to mention is that the participants expressed that doing
the imagery and drawing in silence before reading the document had so to say
increased their perspective of reading the document. They read it with their
minds and their hearts, and not only with their minds. They  had also come
to, both individually and collectively, some breakthroughs in learning and
follow up actions to which, as they said, most probably would not have come
to if we had continued the  third morning with directly reading the document
after celebration. Their awareness was higher, they saw things from a more
holistic point of view, and in consequence the sources for their follow up
actions were of a different nature. And most certainly the atmosphere we
worked in was full of Spirit...
Be well all of you,
Peter Strobosch
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