Gads, what a challenge!

Marei Kiele wrote:
"Michael M Pannwitz" <> <>> schrieb:

> PS: On the last day of the 3 day Practice of Peace event I had the > privilege of introducing os to the group, I did it wíthout speaking the > words. Seemed to work. I wonder how people in the group experienced that > (the first day Harrison did the introduction in English, the second day > Anna Gochtchinskaja in Russian which was understood as far as the words > were concerned by one third of the group...).

You should have seen him ~ I loved it !!!

Wouldn't do it with folks who have never heard of OST before but with "experienced" participants the energy created was wonderful.

Michael, will we experience more of the silent you in Vlotho? (the anual meeting for ost-practitioners in Germany)
Maybe during a whole session?   ;))

Greetings, Marei

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