Dear Marei,
This evening I had a conversation with my 17 year old son. He was telling me how sometimes he cannot believe how good his life is. Especially as so many of his peers appear so troubled as teenagers. He feels he should be able to give some of his good fortune away to those more needy. When I suggested he may believe he does not deserve it in some way, that he is not good enough to be given the life he has, he said no at first. But later...

It can often be hard to have experiences that are different from those around you, even when those experiences are positive and good. We instinctively want to share them just so that in sharing them they grow and extend around us. Yet even the joyful discovery of new connections has implications for us. Maybe we will change and others will not like what we become. Maybe I have out grown my existing friends and relationships and will soon be moving on. I am mindful of young people who emigrate to a new country or go to the big city to study or get a job. They leave all that is familiar behind but the excitement of the new world pushes them forward.

Enjoy the journey.

At 17:59 07/12/2005, you wrote:

Dear friends and collagues,

today I am showing up with a question that might sound funny to some of you.
But I feel really confused and am hoping for some input that get's me through my emotional mess.

Have you ever experienced that something like the grief cycle happened the other way around?

At the moment I am experiencing wonder after wonder in my life, beautiful coincedences and new connections and I feel shocked by this, finding myself not breathing, like under shock, and I even experience some kind of denial ~ "no, this can't be true, this is to god to be true" ~ and I feel tempted to turn around and try to find the one who is really ment, thinking something like "this cannot be ment to me" ~ as people experiencing a loss may say, "why me?" and fight it.

I experience a mixture of joy and excitement and tension and stress.

I know that when I recently experienced a big loss, being familar with the grief cycle helped me very much with going through the stages and dealing with all the feelings connected with it.

So I am asking: Is anybody out there who can help me understand this version?

Thank you !!!

Warmly, still breathing, but very little, Marei
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