Welcome to the new http://www.openspaceworld.org!

As Filiz has already discovered and announced, the openspaceworld.org
website is totally redone now.  Here are some of the NEW THINGS...

* weblog and links to practitioner weblogs
* photo album - a growing collection of photos from open space
* initiatives marketplace - a place for supporting community projects
* podcasts - openings and PoP recordings

Here is how you can HELP...

* put a link to openspaceworld.org in your website or email signature
or newsletter.

* do you have a WEBLOG with open space as a central theme?  do you
write often about open space?  if so, we'd like to link your blog and
the osw.org blog.  please post our blog
http://www.openspaceworld.org/news in your sidebar and i'll do the
same from the osw side.

* do you have PHOTOS from open space?  you can very quickly set up a
free flickr.com account, and upload all your pictures (it's okay to do
them in one big bunch)... AND "tag" them with the word "openspacetech"
when you do.  (no quotes, and there is a simple box to put "tags" in
when you upload)... and VOILA! ...your photos will immediately start
showing up in the thumbnail photos that are scattered throughout the
osw site.  our images are all drawn randomly from flickr.com photos
tagged with openspacetech! 
http://www.openspaceworld.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?PhotoAlbum has more about
how to post your pictures into our community site, and view the ones
already posted.

* do you have an INITIATIVE or PROJECT that you'd like to announce to
the community of oslist and website visitors?  to ask our support,
financial or otherwise?  It might be an application of OST or
something you're doing to feed our global practice?  we've made a
space for that in the new site...

* there is good information on OSLIST and OSONOS to share with friends
and colleagues.  Institutes, Map, Training, and more... BUT it's all
open space... so your contributions matter!  If you see something that
needs doing there, think about doing it!  or at least send your idea
along and let us know that something is missing or broken, if you see
it.  still working the bugs out... but looking very good, i think.

here is a page with the other ways to help...





Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Ave #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
Phone: 312-280-7838

Executive Facilitation ...getting
the most important things done in
the easiest possible ways.


http://www.openspaceworld.org is NEW!  Come see!

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