Hello, dear colleagues --
Kate wrote:
<Last week I was (finally!) able to attend a training workshop with the
fabulously  accessible Access Queen (who we also know / appreciate as
Lisa Heft!)...>
I tip my tiara to you all.  For those of you who are newly on this list,
"Access Queen" is the name of my role as someone who believes in the
power of sharing resources and belief - of the power of asking and
giving and of setting one's intention.  Each year as we approach our
annual in-person Open Space on Open Space gathering (this year in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and next year in Moscow, Russia) I help
"Askers" ask and "Givers" give to assist people who just need a little
bit of extra support to get to an "OSonOS".  It's sort of like being a
resources matchmaker ;o)
Sometimes it is just a ride share, or a homestay, special registration
discounts for Askers or some pocket money.that will make the difference
in someone's being able to come to join us at our annual get-together.
It's not a huge fund full of money - it's a combination of kind and
generous actions and bits of money as we share and do for one another.
This year several great "Askers" were courageous enough to ask our
OSLIST community for help - and several amazing "Givers" shared what
they could. - so we were blessed with the presence of some really
wonderful people at the OSonOS.  Plus we had several tables for our
"Global Village Marketplace" and "Silent Auction" at the OSonOS, where
people sold things they'd made, handicrafts from their countries and
more to raise money for their own travels and to contribute to the
Access Queen Fund.
In past years, you, my generous and creative Givers, have auctioned off
hand-illustrated covers for Books of Proceedings at your Open Space
meetings, sold poetry, organized rides to and from the airport for weary
travelers and more.
I would like to announce a recent contribution to the Access Queen Fund:
Judi Richardson and the team hosting the Open Space on Open Space in
Halifax this year have recently contributed the money they had remaining
- after all expenses were paid - to the Access Queen Fund !!!  This is a
tradition which began at the OSonOS in 2001 and I'm happy to say it's
still going strong!
So:  A royal wave and a royal bow to our Halifax host team - your
efforts and the combined efforts of everyone who helped before and after
this year's OSonOS will help some wonderful Askers attend the Moscow
OSonOS next year !
In the new year you will hear little messages from Access Queen, as I
raise awareness and see who has a bit of carrot, a potato, or some herbs
to toss into our communal soup of mutual support for travelers hoping to
get to next year's OSonOS in Moscow.
Meanwhile, I wish you all a cozy winter with friends and loved ones,
from castle to cottage.and a sparkling new year..
Lisa (also known as Access Queen)
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449

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