as we gather more and more photos in, the resulting mosaic
of images is really something.  the last time i loaded our weblog, it
showed photos i recognized from sweden, singapore and chicago, for
instance.  it showed a poster, a breakout group, a person with their
topic page, and the meeting hall in sweden open space on open space.

this collection of ever-changing, new with every page view, photos is
easily added to any website.  i'd be glad to show you how to add this
to your site, if you have one, if you want it.  the photos come in
three sizes, small square, small rectangles and medium rectangles.  we
have the small rectangles on the site.

we have them in tables, with all the flicker stuff stripped out, which
makes them easy to work with and less like advertising for flickr...
but you can also just go to flickr and search for openspacetech and
make your own "badge" that will randomly display photos.

so the osw global photo album is yours for posting into and also for
using for ever-changing display in your own website(s).



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Ave #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
Phone: 312-280-7838

Executive Facilitation ...getting
the most important things done in
the easiest possible ways.

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