Dear friends!
Thank you for passionate, responsible ad funful co-thinking!
I send you the origin of this time's outburst of definitions. Actually, it
got started, when I drove mathematician Priit Vohandu to our December OS
training. I came from Helsinki, inspired by Harrison's new idea of
connecting OS with High Performing Systems (thanks to Pepe Nummi for
invitation to the workshop in Helsinki!).
We started from Tallinn and headed to Vilusi, 170 km to drive. Priit has
heard during last three years much good about OS and attended one in Tallinn
at the end of November. He was fascinated and inspired from it, but told me
about the trouble to say shortly, what it is.So we (re)started the thread
with saying, that it is connection between passion and responsibility.
At the training we had sapce opened for three times, twice for discussions
and once for action. The first opening was to find short definition of OST.
One of the opened topics was What is OST? It gave following inputs:
  1.. kirglikkuse ja vastutuse ühendus - connection between passion and
  2.. ülitoimiv(us) protsess - high performing process
  3.. meetod, mis toimib kui muud ei toimi - method, that works when nothing
else doesn't
  4.. iseolemise õhutaja - encouragement for self-esteem and independence
  5.. varjus olnud jõud - power, that was hidden
  6.. rõõmu läte - source of joy
  7.. rahu tegija - peace-maker
  8.. ürgteadmise tavatus - extraordinarity of ancient knowledge
  9.. väärtuslike ideede allikas - source of valuable ideas
  10.. loomulik protsess, inimloomust arvestav protsess - natural process,
which considers human nature
  11.. lihtne - simple
  12.. üllatav - surprising
  13.. häälestav instrument - tuning instrument
Once more, thanks to everybody for this time wrestling with the attempt to
find short definition! I believe we are coming back to it for many times
more. The fun what it creates is worth to do it again and again!

With best greetings from snowy Estonia,

Mikk Sarv

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gabriela Ender" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: OST with less than 25 words

> Hello friends, here is my "long shorty":
> "OST puts the human being in the center, enables result-oriented
> self-organization, leads individuals and groups to phenomenal
> processes, which can be experienced in all kinds of application fields."
> Warmest greetings
> Gabriela
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "ashley cooper" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 2:54 AM
> Subject: Re: OST with less than 25 words
> > Thanks Marei,
> >
> > We're trying to keep the length of posts at the osw weblog rather short.
> > I've done a bit of editing and will post these words to the weblog
> tomorrow.
> >
> >
> > warmly (in cold seattle),
> > ashley
> >
> > OSlist members define Open Space Technology with 25 words or less
> > fun and getting creative!):
> >
> > *Open Space Technology is surprisingly simple high performance system,
> > bounding passion with responsibility. *~Mikk Sarv,
> >
> > *Do you like to be in conversations in this community where you feel
> alive,
> > inspired, connected, surprised, engaged, and empowered? Well, that's
> > happens in open space. *~Jack Ricchiuto
> >
> >
> >
> >  *Do you yearn to be in conversations about questions that matter where
> you
> > feel alive, inspired, connected, surprised, engaged, empowered,
> responsible
> > and open to possibility. Well, that's what happens in open space. *
> > Stewart
> >
> >
> >
> > *Open Space enables groups of any size to organize themselves to deal
> > complex, important issues and accomplish something meaningful by
> > people to take responsibility for what they love. * ~Peggy Holman**
> >
> >
> >
> > *Open Space combines the rigor of a great board meeting with the energy
> > conversation around a coffee pot. *~John Rapp**
> >
> >
> > *Open Space Technology
> > a simple way to run productive meetings, with five to 2000+
> > people, and a powerful way to lead any kind of organization, in
> > everyday practice and ongoing change.  ~*Michael Herman**
> >
> >
> > *Open space is a lot like tofu, which can be used in countless ways
> > because it readily absorbs the flavors and spices of anything.*  ~*
> > Fitzpatrick
> >
> >
> >
> > *Getting people to work on stuff that really matters.  *
> >
> > *Creating and immediately implementing high performance work teams.*
> >
> > *Harnessing the power of Spirit to bring meaningful work to our
> community.*
> >
> > *Discerning what's most important and taking responsibility for it.*
> >
> > *Onion Skin Technology...peel back the layers and it makes you cry...but
> > cook it up and it gets sweet and juicy. *~Chris Corrigan**
> >
> >
> >
> > *How about "Open Space is the WD-40 of group work. One shot will loosen
> > just about anything." (For those not in the know – WD-40 is a marvelous
> > universal solvent. *~Harrison Owen**
> >
> >
> >
> > *Open Space can do more than a personal development training, a
> > workshop and a big company party altogether: people evolve, they really
> > connect with each other and they create great results ~ all at the same
> > time, naturally coming from within. * ~Marei Kiele**
> >
> *
> *
> ==========================================================
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