Dear friends around OS world!
Another topic, which was raised last week was WHAT OST DOES?
Besides the five promises you can find in User's Guide for 2,5 days OS we have 
got the following list. Additions are much welcomed!
Mikk Sarv
  1.. OST creates community
  2.. Makes peace and joy
  3.. Resolves tensions and conflicts
  4.. Unites 3-3000 people with one care
  5.. Changes situation
  6.. Creates solid, great power
  7.. Makes the power to last longer
  8.. Creates trust
  9.. Boils thoroughly
  10.. Creates clarity
  11.. Brings people out from ordinarity, they discover miracle in themselves
  12.. Frightens at the beginning
  13.. Creates curiosity
  14.. Gives a way what to do next
  15.. Makes participants to understand, that they care
  16.. Gives joy from the law of two feet (freedom and responsibility)
  17.. Changes people
  18.. Brings surprises

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