hello lisa, some first thoughts on your questions below...
in general... the shift to the weblog as primary focus mirrors ourwork in 
opening space in organization.  we're not trying to collectand archive 'stuff' 
anymore in one site (in the wiki), but initiatingthe practice of simply raising 
and flagging for widest attention anyissues/opportunities (resources, stories, 
news, initiatives, etc) thatcome up in the community.  not necessary for 
osw.org to 'own' a copyof everything, but enough to offer links to where the 
action is.  theproceedings don't have to be complete transcripts, a short 
summary ofkey points and a list of participants is enough for anyone to 
contacta participant and continue any one conversation.  so the weblog is asort 
of ticker tape, marketplace and news wall for the juiciest stuff(resources, 
stories, initiatives, etc) that is happening in the worldas open spacers know 
as for length, weblogs can be very useful and perk along very happilyon 3-line 
posts, each one with a link or two or three or nine to otherkey resources and 
stories.  a weblog is a sort of ticker tape ornewswire, it's not the whole 
analysis or full reports, just theheadlines... stocks up, bonds down, fire on 
elm street, joe's 100thbirthday, new thing invented, man walks on moon... for 
more info"click here".
and now more specifically to your questions...

On 12/31/05, Lisa Heft <lisah...@openingspace.net> wrote:>>>>> 1>> Ashley, if 
we have these papers existing, can we send (for example) a Word> document to 
you or someone else for posting on the weblog?>>>> These are long papers – I'm 
not sure if it would be useful or a burden to> place such long papers as an 
OSLIST message.  And for people who receive the> digest version of OSLIST, I 
would think it might be even lengthier.>>
don't send them, lisa.  they're already posted online somewhere.  justsend the 
list of what is there and what the links are.  then we cansimply post them all 
at once.  if there are many we might post them ina couple of groups.  my guess 
is that if you send the list of what youhave, the posting way forward will be 
clear enough.
anyone who didn't have a beautiful website like you do, could alwaywrite such a 
thing and post to the list.  it might be long, but thereis always the delete 
button.  what seems most important is actuallytwo things, that the stuff people 
are finding is published somewhere(online) and that the oslist group can see 
and appreciate that work. posting to the oslist is one quick and easy way to 
accomplish both ofthose things.
notice, too, that if you were to post your papers (titles and links)to the list 
here, you (and anyone else who put their papers up ontheir own site) would 
automatically let the list know of that whilethey flagged it for posting in the 
weblog as well.
as we watch new years celebrations start up around the world, first inNZ and OZ 
then move around the world, think of the same sort ofcascading i'm describing 
as so many nearly simultaneous os eventsaround the world... first these papers 
of yours or anyone's (or anyother gems) go up on individuals sites.  the best 
of that work getsreported in the list for more to see.  if you don't have a 
website,you can post directly to the list.  they might be long, but i'll 
betthey won't come often enough to really overwhelm us.  and whatever isposted 
or referenced on the list can be further reported in theweblog, to a still 
wider audience.  the best of the best keeps gettingpulled forward and each new 
event includes traces of previous eventselsewhere, with links and credit given 
along the way.

>> 2>> And would the lengthiness work on a weblog?>>
answered above.

>> 3>> Would the sourcing? (each quote has some info after it referring to the> 
>> person who said it)>> Would the layout? (does everything – text and source 
>> info) roll out on a> narrow width and make for a long long scolling down for 
>> an article?>>
not an issue in the approach i've suggested.

>> 4>> Can someone look up this info on the weblog with some sort of key word> 
>> search, or is the title listed on the weblog just in order of receipt, or 
>> ?>>>> As you can see, I'm not used to weblogs…yet…and some of it may be like 
>> the> wiki was but some seems to be different, so thanks for the info, and 
>> thank> you for teaching me and us all, Ashley, Michael, Ted and others.  
>> Thank you,> little oslist weblog team, for working behind the scenes and 
>> inviting the> creation of more resources.>
the weblog is fully searchable, so your descriptions of papers shouldinclude 
key words, types of organizations, and other descriptors,whatever is 
appropriate, and anyone who enters that key word in thesearch box will find all 
the posts that contain the word(s).
there are also a number of categories, where someone only has to clickone key 
word and they will get all the posts that have been taggedwith that word.  
invitations, initiatives, articles, insights, are afew of the categories we've 
identified so far.  we had more but aretrying to keep it down to what feels 
like a more manageable and usefulnumber.
the wiki (resources collection) is also still fully searchable.  soanything 
already there can still be rooted.
many thanks for the questions.  hope these answers help.

>>> Lisa>>>>> ___________________________>> L i s a   H e f t>> Consultant, 
>>> Facilitator, Educator>> O p e n i n g  S p a c e>> 2325 Oregon>> Berkeley, 
>>> California>> 94705-1106   USA>> +01 510 548-8449>> 
>>> lisah...@openingspace.net>> www.openingspace.net>>>>   * *> 
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