I tried e-mailing you directly, Eva, and got a "failure to deliver" notice. A little more information/input for you, hopefully useful.


On Jan 2, 2006, at 3:14 PM, Michael Herman wrote:

this junk filtering might also be happening at the server level. thiscould be related to the server from which his mail comes, if some ofhis mailserver neighbors are using their accounts for spamming. ifso, he might have to ask his ISP to ask others to take them off theblacklist. it's kind of messy, really, so hope that's not it. iwonder if it started when he changed his email address. was that justa few months ago, harrison? michael

On 1/2/06, Kate Armstrong <4pang...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:> Eva,>> You might try to email Harrison <hho...@verizon.net> a "test" message,> and watch your Inbox filters to make sure his new address is not> dumping his e-mails into your (oh, no!) "Junk mail" file. You might> also check your "Junk mail" file to see if his messages have been> stored there since he changed his address. I do get notices with my ISP> indicating what my services sees as junk mail. Most times it's right,> sometimes it's wrong and I can "recognize" the sender as "not Junk> mail.">> Hoping this helps,> Kate>> "The best way to predict the future is to create it now, together.">> Kate Armstrong, Ph.D. and Associates> Pangaea Process Facilitation> 510.352.4872> 4pang...@sbcglobal.net>>>>> On Jan 2, 2006, at 1:39 AM, Eva P Svensson wrote:>> >> > Hello and Happy New Year !> > Remember that I read some time ago that Harrisons messages didn't come> > forth, and I have not seen a message from "the man with the ! hat" for> > very long time now…> > Does anyone have a clue of how I should do to change this…> > :o)> > Eva> >> > Bästa hälsningar> >> >> > Eva P Svensson> > EPS Human Invest AB> > "Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående> > företag och organisationer!"> >> > Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34 ONSALA> > Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil: 0706-89 85 50> > e...@epshumaninvest.se, www.epshumaninvest.se> >> >> > * * ==========================================================> > osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu ------------------------------ To> > subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of> > osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu:> > http://listserv.boisestate.edu/archives/oslist.html To learn about> > OpenSpaceEmailLists and OSLIST FAQs:> > http://www.openspaceworld.org/oslist> *> *> ==========================================================> osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu> ------------------------------> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,> view! the archives of osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu:> http://listserv.boisestate.edu/archives/oslist.html>> To learn about OpenSpaceEmailLists and OSLIST FAQs:> http://www.openspaceworld.org/oslist>

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