dear friends,
 my name is mia  konstantinidou from berlin-kreuzberg (in germany) and after 
almost four  years of considering to join this list i made it a couple of days 
ago!  i think it was spending time with funda oral from istanbul who was so  
passionately talking about reading and writing in this space that the  right 
moment all of the sudden appeared. 
 quietly reading  all these diverse perspectives on osonoses i would like to 
add mine.  although i haven't had the opportunity to join an ("international")  
osonos yet, i love to just know that it's happening every year in some  place 
somewhere on this planet, listening to the stories people  share... 
 considering the diverse situations people live in makes  me feel the 
importance of the i-osonos wandering around the world.  starting conditions 
differ already in the access to visa - for example  that most of the people 
from eastern europe, asia, africa don't get a  visa for the european union, the 
us of a, canada etc.- , then in the  fact that many people from all over the 
planet don't have the money to  travel so far and in addition to pay the 
participation fee or many  other reasons. having the i-osonos on different 
continents and in  different countries taking place gives the locals as hosts 
the  opportunity to take part with less effort, to welcome and meet people  
from other places on this planet and different backgrounds (who are  able to 
travel) whom they maybe would have never met otherwise and vice  versa. 
 another point is the experience of the effort taken in the  open space 
community to fund some people's participation, thanks to the  access queen and 
all the other invisible queens and kings out there (!)  and then there is the 
responsibility people take for organizing the  i-osonos. 
 and after all the i-osonoses add moments of peace to  our lives. peace in the 
sense of coming from different places and  coming from the same place at once.
 acknowledging the diverse  situations people live in because of borders maybe 
this is a way of  meeting and sharing despite borders. getting connected in a 
personal  way maybe makes us stay connected, get more creative in handling  
 there simply is passion and responsibility for this  event. and if there is 
passion for an osonos in the us there'll be an  osonos. probably this, too, is 
a way of handling borders within the  community - opening spaces and 
  hope to meet some of you in moscow!
  a beautiful and peaceful day to all of you,

Efthimia (Mia) Konstantinidou, boscop e.G.  
  Dresdener Str. 13, 10999 Berlin  
  ++49(0)163-38 121 39  
  International Open Space Technology Training November 2-9, 2006 in 
Blossin/Germany - check it out:
  since August 17, 2004 the open space worldmap is online

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