have such interesting words...if you'd ever like to enter the
contest, I'd be happy to help shape them into a poem with you!


On 2/8/06, Artur Silva <> wrote:
> I normally don't follow this context as it is not easy, as you know, to
> fully understand poetry in a foreign language.
> But I always read the announcements of the results.
> And congratulations, Lisa.
> Should I be a voter, and you would have had all my virtual dots.
> Beijos
> Artur
> -----------
> *Joelle Lyons Everett <>* wrote:
> Friends---
> The winner of the OSList Poetry Celebration and Contest is Lisa Heft, for
> Poem #6, which honors the journey many of us have made from thinking that
> being! a facilitator meant keeping control over a meeting, to knowing that
> if we will hold the space, the people will do it all themselves.
> (...)
> Poem #6, by Lisa Heft
> I once tried to do everything opposite.
> Sit in a line.Â
> I shall stand at a podium and tell you how to think.
> No room for extra thoughts â€" that is off-topic.
> Please have your agenda items ready one week in advance.
> I will select a few topics I feel pertain to the issue.
> Please refrain from thinking until the official start time of our meeting.
> Only those with special titles may have ideas.
> Do not leave the room.
> Please be sure you end the meeting with the same thoughts you came in
> with.
> Keep the windows closed so no insects fly in to disturb our meeting.
> No breathing, please.
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