The Global Leadership Forum<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
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Leadership for Human Development

Public Sector, Socially Responsible Corporations,

Educational and Non-Governmental Organisations Working Together



The International Partnership, Service-Learning and Leadership, New York

The Academy for Educational Development, Washington DC

The Siberian Academy of Public Administration, Novosibirsk

The Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil

The Eminönü Municipality in Istanbul


Invite participation and presentations at the


The 8th Global Leadership Forum:


Dear friends ,


Think Please about joining us at the Global Leadership Forum in Istanbul and
Open Space for global Leadership development. Best wishes,


Marina Tyasto


 June 22-25, 2006



The Challenges of Leadership: 


1. Leadership and Public Policy, nationally and internationally

2. Leadership and new initiatives in the private sector

3. Leadership in academic institutions, NGOs, and capacity building

4. Leadership, management and corporate social responsibility


Keynote Speakers:

Ø      Dr. Linda Chisholm, President, the International Partnership for
Service-Learning and Leadership. New York.

Ø      Dr. Leo Bruno, former Vice-President of Samsung Brazil, Director
Center for Leadership Development, Dom Cabral Foundation. Brazil.


v     Registration Package BEFORE March 1st: US$790 including 5 nights at a
4 star hotel, breakfast and lunch everyday during the conference and a tour
of Istanbul. (US$990 boutique hotel accommodation). Respectively $890, $1190
after March 1.

v     For registration please send checks, money orders, or credit card
information to: Nevin Brown, President, The International Partnership for
Service-Learning and Leadership. 815 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017 USA.
Tel: (212) 986-0989. Fax: (212) 986-5039. Email:  <javascript:compose('>

v     For presentations, please send 100 word abstracts and 50 word
biographical note by March 15, 2006 to Prof. Adel Safty at

For information, contact. Arzu Akar at

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