Greetings All,
I am writing to invite you those of you who may have an interest to join
an iPraxis Practitioners' Circle, a series of monthly gatherings of and
for integral practitioners to awaken, cultivate and contribute to
individual and collective integral practice (please visit for more details).  Integral
practice as I am defining it is a practice that is essential for
wholeness for ourselves, our organizations, our communities, our
ecologies, and our world.  This may be informed by the work of
theorists/practitioners such as Sri Aurobindo, Jean Gebser, Georg
Feuerstein, Ken Wilber, William James, Robert Kegan, Jenny Wade, Michael
Murphy, etc., or simply grounded in your own experience of what it is to
be an integral being in the world.  
What is most essential to me in extending this invitation is that those
of you who choose to come have a genuine commitment to awakening,
cultivating and contributing your knowledge, experience, and resources
to grow within an emerging community of practice-that you want to
broaden and deepen who and how you are in your integral practice-and
that you are willing to offer yourself and your own practice in service
of broadening and deepening the larger community of practice in service
of broadening and deepening our world...
I realize that some of you may not be interested in integral practice.
Others of you are far from Bainbridge Island and cannot commit to such a
local endeavor, and that still others of you are already participating
in other groups that may fulfill this purpose for you and that you may
not feel called to join this particular manifestation of the larger
field of integral practice in the world.  However, I invite those of you
for whom this is true to participate in Spirit, to hold the space for
another group to form, and hope to find ways to cross-pollinate the
fields within the Field as we are mutually moved to do so.  
This current Circle is limited to 12 participants.  Please let me know
if this is of interest to you.or if you have an interest in hosting a
Circle in your area.  I would love to continue learning with you in this
latest context and would be happy to provide any additional information
if you're interested.
With love and light,

Karen Sella
Managing Partner
Phone: 206.780.2998
Skype: luminasella
lumina fr. L., light, air, opening

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