Filiz and Funda,

I like your new principle.  It reminds me of a statement that must be a
corollary to your "rule".  I came across it over 30 years ago during my
brief career in public relations.  Author unknown.

"If you make something so perfectly clear that no one can possibly
misunderstand, somebody will."

You obviously had a difficult time, and there may have been things you could
have done differently, I wouldn't know.  But it does sound like a lot was
accomplished.  Congratulations.  It seems like folks got outcomes they
needed to move forward, so you did a good job.

I think when I concentrate on creating a "perfect" open space experience,
seeking to execute all the pieces just right, doing it just as I've learned
it, I lose sight of why I'm really there.

I once worked with a group of 200 business people (in one organization) for
2.5 days.  Big, important conference, lots of high level people.  After the
opening, each succeeding circle (evening news, morning announcements,
closing) got smaller and smaller.  Some got bored, I guess, others were
there against their will, still others hadn't planned to stay the whole time
anyway and booked early flights.  Some probably just slept late.
Undoubtedly several thought the process was silly or just didn't like me.

Who knows?  So we were down to about 160 by the end.  And then at the
closing, a hired guy with a big, professional video camera on a rolling
platform established himself in the middle of the circle and taped
everyone's comments as the talking symbol made its way through the group.
(This was done with everyone's permission, but he kept blocking the view.)

I could have jumped up and down complaining "this isn't open space!"  But it
was, and the client, who had entered into the whole affair with reluctance
(and courage), told me afterward that the system clearly derived much more
benefit than anyone had imagined.  He had the patience and good sense to
focus on the results and not all the uncomfortable, unpredictable behaviors
that arose during their time together.  He knew that people's opinions of me
did not matter.

I will ban any such video gear in the future, but otherwise, it's what


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