Hi Dear OS Friends,
I'm in conversation with a potential sponsor for a large 1.5 day OS event
next October, the purpose of which is to connect people for self-organized
community action (non-specific at this point).  The crowd is expected to be
folks who live and work in a metro area and who may have a tenuous
connection through one of several sponsoring organizations - but who have
not had such a large scale experience with other members of their community.
The planning team is meeting in a week or so where the sponsor will pitch
the idea.  She's pretty convinced that OST is the way to go but has the
familiar concern that people who don't work together or are not part of an
intact group can often come up with fabulous ideas that peter out quickly or
never go anywhere at all.  
Among other things, I would like to offer the planning team a collection of
especially generative convening questions from similar events that resulted
in new action groups forming and concrete contributions to a community.  Any
links to similar OS events would also be very helpful. 
I'll compile the responses and feed them back by the end of next week.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Warmly from sunny, sweaty Phoenix,   
Christine Whitney Sanchez
KAIROS Alliance Inc.
2717 E. Mountain Sky Avenue
Phoenix, AZ  85048
www.kairosalliance.com <http://www.kairosalliance.com/> 

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