Dear colleagues,
ever wanted to find (for yourself or others) an english language,
international, high quality and affordable OST-Training offered by
active practitioners?

If not, this is the point to hit the delete button.

If yes, here it is.
It meets all the criteria I mentioned above.
And if you live in any of the 25 countries belonging to the European
Union (plus Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Iceland, Liechtenstein and
Norway)and you are willing to go through some application procedures,
you are likely to receive an individual grant of up to 1500 Euros (that
is enough to cover fees, room and board and in most cases cost for
(Under the regulations of the Grundtvig Program of the European
Union that supplies these grants, this is not available for participants
living in Germany).

Still interested?
Then go to

and click on "Training".
Here you get information on all aspects of the training. Also, there are links to the Grundtvig Program, the Training site, and the contact data for people to ask questions.

So far, 17 colleagues from 12 countries ( Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy,
Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Ireland, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey,
Ukraine,  United Kingdom) have registered.
Registration is the first step, it is also a prerequisite for the grant
application: you need a confirmation of your registration.

The tested training site will be near Berlin, Germany (Blossin, where the selforganized OST-Training took place in 2004) with enough space for at least 60 participants.

Greetings from Berlin, sunny, crazed by the soccer games,
have a grand weekend
mmp --

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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