Hello, dear colleagues -


(You can tell I am having a little 'spurt' of energy here.  I had wondered
where this poem went to - I thought I had sent it to OSLIST at the end of
June but I had made an error and gee, I sent it to myself!  Here you go. I
guess whenever it's sent/received is the right time.;o)  )


As the current Poet Laureate for the OSLIST, I have been enjoying gathering
your words from conversations we have on the list and creating 'found poems'
to share back with you.  If you look in the OSLIST archives you can see the
other poems I've 'found', under the titles of "The Mystery of Open Space"
and "Touch the Now".  You may remember some of the words shared below from a
conversation thread we had in May entitled "Authenticity and Self-Discovery
in Open Space".  Enjoy,  Lisa






Holding / My Truest Self / Space

"Found" Poem, May 26-31, 2006



Breathing in - the energy of what is about to happen


Who am I and what difference does that make?


            I am me, complicated by the fact that "me" changes over time.


The only "thing" I will ever bring to the party is me,

            Nothing more, nothing less, just me.


And the only thing that seems to matter much is that the "me" that shows up
is really me.


            Not some abstract me.

            Not some new and improved me.

            Not somebody else's version of me.


Just me.  Just the way I am.



Breathing out - releasing self, being in the moment.


         I have found the experience in Open Space to be an incredible
dialogue between


                     the me that showed up authentically

                     and the emergent self that greeted me at the end of the


         What I have learned is that presence is no mere accident.


         It is the result of years and years of practice


         To continue growing more and more open and even in doing so,

         Find my core more and more reinforced.



Breathing in - form and essence.


         OST has both form


                     Chairs and windows and markers and paper


                     Words and silence and walking and eye contact


         and essence.


                     Invitation and authenticity


         Authenticity opens to essence, pours into essence.



Breathing out - inviting co-creation.


         My heart connects with the music and my hands connect with the



Breathing in - trusting the people, trusting the process.


         What is most important is bringing my true self to the circle,


         to be willing to 'be'


                     and knowing how to invite and holds space for others,


                     in a gentle, loving way that invites them


                     to be as authentic as I strive to be.



Breathing out.


         And then


                     comes the pulsating blissful moment


                                 of stepping out of the way.







-- by Lenore Mewton, Chris Weaver, Zelle Nelson, Chris Corrigan, Harrison
Owen  and Lisa Heft 

June 23, 2006



L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e

 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net

 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net 


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