Apparently there was another "open space" for middle east peace..anyone was
involved in it?
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It's up to us to break the spell that steals the colors from the world and
leaves it lifeless-
it was our spell, we can break it.
Will Ashe Bacon

Tarih: Monday, July 10, 2006 19:48
Kime: Verborgene_Empfaenger:
Konu: Ring of Power
Monday, 10 July 2006 

To all Peace Workers;

the  conference at the Lasalle-Institute "Jerusalem, City of Peace" has
finished. For three long days about 120 people met, guided and accompanied
by the method of "open space" in order to communicate about visions,
possible projects, and new possibilities of cooperation. Considering the
urgency of the current situation it is debatable whether the methods of
"open space" can achieve satisfactory result. "Open space" is able to start
the activity and the dialogue among the participants, but then I was missing
the coordinating, co-guiding element, the person who keeps the overview and
participates form there in a guiding way. For me the extraordinary quality
of the conference consisted in the fact that people gathered  who won't meet
normally. It belongs to the consistent method of the representatives of the
Lasalle-Institute that they want to initiate the change on government level
as well as on the level of projects which are working at the very basis. A
big thanks goes to Pater Niklaus Brantschen, Anna Gamma and Pia Gyger for
their tireless and unconditional commitment for peace in the Middle East.
Results of the conference: new contacts were made, architectural models for
Jerusalem as a world city of peace were presented. The film "We Refuse to be
Enemies" was presented and found good resonance. Letters to decisive
representatives of governments and religions were worded in order to declare
Jerusalem a weapon-free zone. My impression is that many peace workers do
not yet see how much we must change structures and systems and to what
extend we are challenged to develop new functioning models. Would the world
evolve as much about peace as it just evolved about football, we were for
sure on the winners' side. This is the focus for which we from the Healing
Biotope I participated. With patience and persistence we direct our
perseverance and our continual work to this point again and again. In me it
causes the radicalisation to reinforce my commitment for the humanization of
money and to set off for my way to motivate business people to invest their
money in the development of models for peace villages. With the amount of
money that one tank costs we could do powerful steps of manifestation in the
global peace movement. The developing peace villages would be something like
the points of crystallization and energy accelerators to make one
perspective of the peace movement visible. I phrased a new pilgrim-text that
I want to send out in the Ring of Power this time. May it be heard by the
relevant forces.

Power Text:
(by Sabine Lichtenfels, GRACE - Pilgrimage for the "Humanising of Money",
Part II, July 2006)


I work and walk as a pilgrim for a future without war. The money which is
being used to finance wars nowadays would suffice to beware the whole of
humankind from hunger, misery and violence if it was invested into
appropriate peace projects. We need a worldwide group of determined people
who use their economic, political, publicist possibilities to support such
projects - a global "Syndicate for Peace". It must be a very decided group
in which every one is willing to subordinate one's personal interests to the
interests of the whole in any given situation. I am on my way to contribute
to the building up of such a global group.

June 20, 2005 my pilgrimage for the "Humanising of Money" started. It began
in the south of the Black Forest, Germany, and took me via Switzerland,
Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Greece finally to Israel. In the name of GRACE
a group between 40 and 50 people went on a pilgrimage through
Israel/Palestine November 2005. The documentary "We Refuse to be Enemies",
which was filmed on the pilgrimage is currently being presented at various
locations of the peace movement. The first goal of my pilgrimage, the
construction of the auditorium in the Peace Centre Tamera, Portugal, is
already in the process of realization. The auditorium was inaugurated on May
1st 2006. It is planned to be finished in October this year. 

Momentarily, I am working on a book about the pilgrimage GRACE to make the
essential insights available to a broader public. We want to communicate
what we saw to the world. We want to tell them about the humaneness and the
beauty we experienced in Israel and the West Bank but also about the
injustice, the anger and the infinite mourning and the being abandoned of
the people in the areas of crisis. What we saw and experienced shocked me in
such a way that I cannot just go on with my "normal" life.
Did you see the pictures of the war? The pictures shown in the news, every
day? Chaos, assaults at weddings, blood on the street - day after day?
Globalization of the Western world requires the decay of the old peoples and
cultures and causes the death of innumerable people, every day. The
opposition movements of these countries need support, not bombs and no

I cannot become "grown up" in the traditional sense of the expression. I
have friends in Israel/ Palestine, among the Bedouins, in Africa, in India
and Columbia. The closer the world of the suppressed people comes to me the
more irritated my scream and we are supposed to be unable to do anything
against this? What a mass hypnosis!

One reason for war lies in the wrongly channeled longings and life energies
of the human being. Or do we really seriously believe that all the many
young soldiers who are presently ready to go to war would really obey the
orders if they had another perspective for their strength, their courage,
their longing for adventure and community? If they were guided by other
archetypical pictures of the soul than the hero idols of the patriarch
cultures? Could there be a military world basing on order and obedience at
all if people had learnt to follow their longing in love and to find their
own source? It is the unfulfilled hunger for community, for love and
religion, which drives us into the collective madness.

Upon  the questions "Do you want war or peace?" a huge part of the
population, would answer: "We want peace, but what can we do all by
ourselves? We do have the power to change something! And yet the question
comes up again and again: What can we do against it? We are witnesses of a
wrong civilization we ourselves belong to. We are contemporary witnesses of
a continuum of violence. The same injustice is happening all over the globe;
it happens in Israel/Palestine, in Chechnya, in the Balkans, in Latin
America, in Africa, Indonesia, etc., just almost everywhere on earth.

It is about stepping out of the madness of the contemporary civilization and
about stepping into a new form of living on earth. The pilgrimage GRACE is
not supposed to remain an individual activity, GRACE could be the beginning
for a worldwide movement for peace. We can prevent war! The peace movement
can stop wars if they act in a timely, intelligent, strategic, plentiful and
decided way. Lets no longer follow the hypnosis of resignation,
powerlessness and deception. We will make it on a global level if enough
decided people take the decision to do nothing but go for an unconditional
commitment for peace for the whole next year. 

I do no longer belong to those who believe that the world can be changed by
major mass movements, by uprisings and revolts against the ones in
government - as beautiful as this lively picture of power might be. A
lively, powerful non-violent revolution on the streets - this may be part of
the whole, but too fine, too subtle, too deep are the necessary changes
which have to made to be able to prevent wars lastingly. The outer
revolution must be accompanied by a conscious revolution in the inner;
without this a true victory will hardly be possible.  
Today, many know: Our planet can only be saved, if humankind undergoes a
transformation, if people get themselves going to set off for a new
intelligence and a new readiness for truth and solidarity. Something must
happen, something that reaches deeper and is more comprehensive than all
revolutions have been up to now. A world revolution which in the west will
no longer fight the existing systems but connect with the power of a higher
order level "is laying in the air": The revolution of love - and the
creation of conditions and structures of living in which the form of
existence of love can sustainably develop. Nothing is more powerful than an
idea whose time has come.

Imagine all the people who sit in front of the TV and ask themselves "What
can I do by myself?"  would gather and coordinate really well. Every person
does what is possible at her/his place or position being aware of the fact
that: "I can be the turn." Imagine: A worldwide network of peace projects,
future communities and healing biotopes develops in intellectual/spiritual
connection. They gladly give shelter to all peace pilgrims who associate
with the enterprise GRACE and who want to develop further on a personal
level. More and more people take responsibility for the whole and the
necessary jobs in the sub-areas with joy. The necessary money is made
available by wealthy individuals and groups. More and more people know and
fulfill their profession and their task in this global network of a
powerfully sprouting peace force. The worldwide peace movement has
guidelines which give orientation to its participants, also in their basic
daily lives. All these guidelines are oriented by the deeper meaning of
GRACE. GRACE is independent of ideologies, religions or political parties.
GRACE serves life and its peaceful development. We meet each other with
respect, solidarity and willingness to help. In the name of GRACE we refuse
to be the enemy of anyone. GRACE always searches for the violent-free

My further personal commitment and work is dedicated to the development of a
worldwide "Syndicate for Peace", which will see to it that everywhere in the
world the first training places for the building up of peace villages can
develop. Places which are there for the worldwide peace movement as oases of
power and cooperation. The envisioned peace syndicate might consist of
roundabout 30 persons.

For the realization of the big idea I will continue my pilgrimage for the
"Humanising of Money". I learnt and experienced that we can very well be the
change that we are longing for. The idea of a worldwide peace movement in
the centre of which the idea of the peace villages is located needs the
contact with a broad public. Getting into contact with economists and
business experts, who have seen the necessity of such a vast change of our
patterns of thinking long since and are willing to support this is
essential. The peace movement must get into contact with the functionality
of money and seek to understand it without becoming subject to its laws. It
must overcome old enemy pictures and contribute to enable the development of
a humane economy. With the money that one single tank costs we could set a
powerful start for the building up of the envisioned peace villages in the
Middle East, Colombia, India and Portugal.

My contribution lies in the preparation and netting of the correspondent
technological, ecological and social pilot models which have already been
developed by various groups in the world or are being worked on. At the same
time, I am gladly willing to pass on my spiritual knowledge, my community
experience and my experience in the area of love to others.

I start a kind of "high-tech pilgrimage" for peace. I place myself fully in
service. This time, I am more than a "beggar monkress" and predominantly
walking on foot; I am traveling by car, train or airplane. I will let myself
be guided I will let myself be guided to those meetings and contacts which
are necessary for the building up of an appropriate peace network. I do this
in the name of GRACE. The money that I need for my traveling and similar
expenses I will take from the incoming donations, besides I will continue to
have no more private property. All the rest of the money that will be given
to us goes into the building up of projects for the development of this
peace power. We will gladly inform all those of you who want to know what
the money is being used for.

I ask all committed and dedicated spirits for help and support. Please make
contact with business, economic, and financial experts who are interested in
new future projects. People  who direct or know projects which are gladly
willing to place their home at the disposal of peace pilgrims are kindly
asked to contact us. Right now I am in the process of founding a peace
office. I am gladly willing to inform a broader public about my work. 

Those who want to donate money or have important information for us please
refer to:

Homepage: oder oder

Donations can be transferred to: Sabine Kleinhammes, bank code  10010010,
account number 597043103, reference: GRACE

Power Sentence:

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

With warm greetings
Sabine Lichtenfels
News from the IGF:

Summer University: 

Invitation for the Forum for Peace Journalism:
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