Prost, Gabi

Gabriela Ender wrote:
To my old and new friends in the OSList, [LONG TEXT]

TODAY, on July 17th, 2006 it is exactly SEVEN years ago that my life changed completely. Seven is a magic number in my entire life and so I want to share some memories with you on this day. Its also an invitation to those of you who VIRTUALLY like to clink a glass of vine, martini, beer, juice or water with me or who want to be simply in spirit with me today ;-)

It was during a great time in my life, a time full of wonderful face-to-face work as an independent consultant for organisational development, and as a facilitator and trainer of OST, a time of feeling completely congruent with the principles of OST, feeling balanced and happy, coming home from a 2,5days OST project the day before, … I just wanted to take a nap in my sunny peaceful garden chair. I looked forward to enjoy the “here and now”, to feel the sunshine on my face and to listen to the birds. What followed has changed my life completely.

I was almost fallen into sleep as I experienced an extraordinary deep flash of inspiration. I will never forget this unique moment. In my inner eye I saw every single detail of the entire Open Space Internet Methodology, the software structure, the name, the real-time procedure, the role of a virtual facilitator, the application fields, the effects, the value-based synergies between different methods, the “do-it-yourself access" for all kinds of interest-, learn- and work groups, the value for change facilitators without additional trainings, the enrichment for ongoing OST processes and open space organizations, for sustainable learning systems and for the greater good of our globe (e.g. environment protection and self-organized problem solving and collaboration across distances and boundaries). Finally I could see how this online methodology will enable completely new All-Embracing Participatory Architectures (online & offline). This was a true deep, crazy and life changing moment. A moment in which I could clearly see all what I had experienced in my work (e.g. as responsible for a 120 staff company) and as working for interdisciplinary holistic oriented organizational development during the last 15 years ... this all combined with the face-to-face opportunities of the present and the new online opportunities of the future.

I needed two further weeks in order to try to understand what happened. It was such a clear call that I had no chance to say no to this “new unborn baby”, no chance to not follow this vision and no chance to realize it in any other way. Mothers, you know what I mean ;-)

What followed was a process of “letting go” of almost all of the beautiful soul enriching face-to-face OST facilitator and trainer work. Sometimes a very hard time, especially when I had to let go clients and income. But driven by the deep believe that all will be for the best I followed the vision. Fortunately I had no detailed picture about all the challenges and how long everything will last :-). So I went many years through very dry desserts of ongoing investments, risks, endless tasks and endless details, and lots of diverse privations. But everytime the right people showed up to help bringing the project to its next steps.

This year is again a year of huge investments as we are in the process of developing the second edition of the conferencing system. An edition to which my team and I are looking very much forward -- it will fulfil many user desires collected over the last 4 years. We are sure, a great tool will become even better. And when I see feedback and recommendations from OpenSpace-Online organizers and participants (of all ages) coming from different fields (economy, society, politics, education, research), different countries and different cultures it warms my heart - then I always know it was and is right to be on this pioneer path. Our "growing" E-BOOK shows lots of these wonderful testimonials and user feedback. As soon as OpenSpace-Online® 2.0 will be available (planned for the end of 2006) I will be delighted to invite you to a next international OpenSpace-Online on Open Space Technology (OSOonOS).

Be part of “making my day today” :) ... Let me know, if you like to VIRTUALLY clink a glass of vine, martini, beer, juice or water with my team and me. If so please write directly to: <>. Today it will be again a sunny summer day in Berlin (like it was in 1999) and I surely will take some time in the afternoon to sit in my old good garden chair ... now in the age of 7x7 years ... feeling connected with the magic of life and with many old and new good friends around the globe and looking forward to have one “real” glass of vine (red vine from California) together with great people in the evening.

Thanks to all of you dear colleagues from the OSlist (and the Genuine Contact List), who supported and support the innovation in so many wonderful ways! Each help is a huge help!

And again a big THANK YOU to you dear Harrison for discovering amazing OST and for making so many miracles and surprises possible! I will never forget your supportive words and encouraging wishes as I shared my vision with you in the very early beginning of this special journey!

Cheers, Skoal, Prost!

And Peace for all of you!



P.S. Be ready to be surprised, if you rest from your daily tasks, groundbreaking visions can change your life completely ;-)


P.P.S. If you want to help us to get the word out - please forward our updated E-BOOK with new testimonials and user feedback. THANK YOU!


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