First:  if this comes to you twice on the OSListServe it is not because I
posted twice.  It is something which happens elsewhere.  So I am SORRY.

Re. OS and artists:  I have often had circles in which artists participate.
They offer their work (be it musically, visually or whatever...) in the
marketplace, and sometimes as convenors.  The crucial and only issue is
³take responsibility for what you love² and do it fluently as a gift to the
community, within the minimal formal context provided by the OS patterns.
If the artist is a convenor, he/she participates fluently as an equal of the
person responsible for OS facilitation, offering whatever comes, whenever it
is timely.  And when convenors meet for attuning before the gathering, or
during it, he/she participates as an equal listener and voice.

For instance, visual artists offer marketplace sessions.  Once we had a
gallery of sculptures people made during a marketplace session, which
everyone in the circle (of 500+ people) was invited to tour.  (That was
amazing: all the sculptures were made from rolls of aluminum and found
In the closing circle, visual artists show their own interpretations of
energetic exchanges they are witnessing or whatever they are inspired to
create.  Dancers dance their interpretations of our subject.  (This happened
once in Dharmshala at an OS on the subject: ³Creating Value out of Values².
It was awe-inspiring!)
People have read poems that came to them as we were together.  Musicians
have sung songs, played instruments as they were guided.
Etc. etc. etc.  

One of my most profound experiences was at Spirited Work.  We arrived to
find that very large, tall sculptures had been erected on every post in the
large room in which we had our circle.  There were eight of them.  They were
like totems, made of found objects, and each had extraordinary power.  It
was as if a group of archetypes had graced our space.  All weekend we
interacted with them.  Two small children who were part of our group
periodically gave people gifts of candies which came out of a hand-like
space of one of them.  On Saturday night we always had a special celebration
dinner, to which we invited the artist (who was a neighbor).  After supper
he told us the story of his life which had blossomed completely after he
left everything he¹d believed he needed and simply trusted God to guide him.
What a fantastic inspiration!! And it was totally on the money, given the
season and the method of OS!!  Talk about synchronicity!

All of us have the capacity to speak, listen, write, move our bodies, create
theater, draw, paint, create sculpture, make musical sounds.  AND it is
sublime having all those gifts present and expressed in any space we inhabit
in order to gain maximum inspiration in my humble and enthusiastic opinion.

Blessings to all, Anne

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