Congratulations Lisa! Wonderful!!


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD  20854
207-763-3261 (summer)
Personal Website

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lisa Heft 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:43 PM
  Subject: Found Poem -- June 8 to August 23, 2006 -- Opening Space for 
Conflict and Peace

  Hello, dear colleagues -

  For the past several months I have held the honor of being the OSLIST Poet 
Laureate.  With awe and respect I have gathered your words to create 'found 
poems' to share back with you all, as inspired by our colleague and past Poet 
Laureate, Ms. Laurel Doersam of Canada.  You can find some of the other found 
poems I have shared by searching in the OSLIST archives and using the key words 
"Found Poem" in the "subject is or contains." area of the search page.  Titles 
included "Holding / My Truest Self / Space", "The Mystery of Open Space" and 
"Touch the Now."  You may remember some of the words I share with you below 
from a conversation thread with the titles of "A note from a young friend" and 
"A note for Josef".  This is a long poem.  Pour yourself a cup of tea.     Lisa


  Opening Space for Conflict and Peace

  Found Poem -- June 8 to August 23, 2006

  I'm very concerned about the war 

  I read the news about it everywhere. 

  I found a newspaper 

  and read the news

  People died 

  children and old people. 

  oh my God, I couldn't stand to read it. 

  I saw the news on the TV

  people suffered... 

  I turned my radio on and heard the news 

  After the news, 

  I cried. 

  What is wrong with this world?? 

  Why do they do that?

  What for? 

  Can't they stop the war, 

  make peace, 

  and live happily together? 

  What's wrong with peace? 

  Why do they reject peace? 

  What do they want now? 

  When is it going to be over?

  Can we do something to stop the war? 

  Me, you, and the Imams and Rabbis? 

  Can we take action? 

  What can we do to stop the war? 

  What can we do to make them realize 

  that war won't do any good?  

  Why do people want to destroy ? 

  Why do people choose to kill themselves 

  and others - 

  rather than talk and listen? 

  Why do people believe that violence can stop violence? 

  Why do people hate so much?

  I can't find any answer for these questions. 

  I feel hopeless. 

  A leaf in the storm of world wide war.

  I sometimes despair 

  and hear with disbelief 

  the vacuous statements 

  by our so called leaders. 

  Presidents, Kings, Imams, Rabbis 

  I am afraid that this may be one of those times 

  when all the things we should have done 

  and did not, 

  all the things we should not have done 

  and did -- 

  now come due

  I am new in this place. 

  since it is a time of war 

  Why do you think 

  that space 

  is limited only 

  to love and good? 

  Isn't space unlimited by definition?

  Do you believe 

  that terrorists will sit with you 

  in open space circles 

  that perhaps opening space 

  with Bin Laden 

  could have prevented the attack on the World Trade Center? 

  Being a Human Being is a constant learning process, 

  and sometimes that learning can be very painful. 

  But the greatest tragedy 

  would be not to learn. 

  I am not sure 

  that Opening Space 

  with or for Bin Laden 

  would have done much good, 

  but I am pretty sure 

  that had we (all of us) 

  diligently opened space for the peoples of the world 

  so that the chaos, confusion and conflict 

  that inevitably occur in the course of human living 

  might have found resolution 

  prior to 

  explosion -- 

  the Bin Ladens of this world would find little fuel for their fires. 

  That did not happen and the fires are burning. 

  It could have been different, I believe -- 

  and may still be different 

  if we get to work.

  Fear is fear.  Pain is pain.  Injustice is injustice.  Dead is dead.  

  One people's fear or pain is not more legitimate than the others.  

  It has never been more important than now 

  to create the spaces 

  for people to come together, 

  and through dialogue, 

  be reminded 

  that we are all human 


  what joins us 

  is so much much more 

  than what divides us. 

  for my self, I feel neither helpless nor hopeless. 

  In my understanding of life and humanity,

  Evil is not evil for the sake of being evil

  Terrorists do not become terrorists for the sake of being terrorists.

  It all comes out of some closed, oppressed space. 

  There is only chance 

  and hope 

  in opening space 

  and hearts 

  and inviting 

  to witness 

  one another. 

  I hope our friends fellows neighbours 

  also feel, 

  they are not alone! 

  I wish them love 

  and strength 

  and courage 

  and that they, too, 

  do not feel help- 

  and hopeless.

  It is supporting to know there are many, 

  who will keep on going in the spirit of Open Space 

  everyone in her and his place of the world 


  that if I can
  help just two people 

  to really hear 

  and listen 

  to each other - 

  and rediscover their common humanity - 

  then it is still worth 

  carrying on.

  your words 

  brought such comfort 

  at this moment. 

  It makes me think 

  that what I offer 

  just might have some real value 

  after all. 

  I now feel less helpless. 

  And I know you are right, 

  the fever has to run its course - 

  it is sometimes just so hard when it hits so close.

  I do not accept 

  that there is some 'evil' 

  that open space can allow in. 

  I refuse to accept 

  that terrorism and violence are the way! 

  Evil acts, in my view, 

  are a consequence 

  of misunderstanding, oppression, inequality 

  If we are ever to find a resolution to conflict 

  it can only come about - in the end - 

  by talking 

  and listening. 

  If we are not talking, listening ~and~ respecting - 

  we end up commiting more acts of violence. 

  Believing that there are 'evil' people 

  is but one short step away 

  from saying 

  that negotiation, listening & building peace 

  can ~never ever~ work. 

  It is a long process. 

  It does not come about 

  through strength of arms 

  or firing rockets over borders

  It is in the end about dialogue 

  What shows up in Open Space

  is just plain people, 

  who come in all shapes and sizes 

  with multiple desires, histories and passions. 

  Even in violently conflicted environments, 

  the people soon find themselves 

  with more in common than difference. 

  To be sure 

  the conversations may be loud and confrontational -- 

  but for the most part, 

  they are conducted with respect -- 

  which often turns into hope 

  and trust, 

  and strangely, 

  even affection. 

  To be sure there are psychopaths and thugs. 

  Every society has them -- 

  but when the space of that society 

  is kept open

  the pathology of such people 

  can be marginalized 

  and the toxins they produce 

  flushed away. 

  when we close space, 

  build walls, 

  seek to dominate and control 

  these same toxins are concentrated 

  and eventually become lethal. 

  We know all about that, I think.

  By accepting  the existence of evil 

  we can allow it to move out from our space. 

  In vastness of the Space 

  which is the matrix of all that exists 

  there can be a place for evil 

  but it doesn't have to be our space.  

  Opening space is a sacred work 

  that should create a safe heaven 

  and a sacred ground for love to feel safe enough 

  to manifest and flourish

  That there is evil in this world is not a question, 

  although it is interesting that 

  my evil 

  may well be 

  your good 

  and visa versa. 

  And denial of the presence of evil, 

  no matter how it may be defined and understood, 

  is not a healthy characteristic for any human being. 

  The role of the facilitator occupies a space 

  beyond, beneath, outside of all elements 

  of "blame and judgment" 

  this can be a real tough space to occupy. 

  "Whoever comes is the right people" 

  "Whatever happens is the only thing that could have."

  These go to the heart of the matter. 

  The people who show up 

  and the events that take place 



  and one must deal with them 

  as they are. 

  Obviously everything "could" have been different. 

  And indeed, one might have hoped that they would have been different. 

  But the fact remains, they are what they are. 

  I don't see this as "denial" in the least -- 

  it is simply and profoundly 

  the radical acceptance 

  of things as they are 

  in the present moment.

  Assuming the role of Space Opener is a "sacred work." 

  It can also be excruciatingly difficult, 

  and perhaps impossible for some people 

  at some times. 

  We need to be fully "there" -- 

  in the present moment -- 

  regardless of what we may think about it personally.

  Many of the policies and actions of both sides 

  can feel short sighted, repugnant, and downright evil. 

  There may be more than sufficient blame to spread around. 

  As long as anything is seen as "opposing side" 

  the chances for peace decreases. 

  During the course of our days together 

  we may feel our own internal anger, fear, doubt, frustration 

  sometimes so intensely that we become practically immobilized. 

  At such times, our only recourse may be to withdraw to our room 

  or to take a long walk -- 

  in search of our own centered presence. 

  To be very honest, 

  there may be moments when we do not think we can handle it -- 

  but somehow, some way 

  we may find ourselves

  drawn, pushed, shoved 

  to discover parts of ourselves and our own resources 

  that we have never seen before. 

  And in almost every case, 

  the needed strength, insight, calm 

  may come from a few words of just a silent look from one of the participants 

  who in a marvelous and magical way 

  have become openers and holders 

  of the space. 

  In truth, we all do it, 

  and the results are mindblowing

  There are times when our own personal 

  agenda, experience, feelings 

  are so strong 

  that it is impossible to rise above them. 

  And the remarkable thing is that 

  in every instance 

  somebody else who could stand in that space did so. 

  And if we ever reach a day 

  when nobody can step forward, 

  it will be a dark day indeed -- 

  for the possibility space for human life will simply close. 

  But we are not there yet, 

  and goodness knows we have a lot of work to do.

  When we open space 

  even sworn, lifelong enemies 

  who are convinced that the "others" 

  represent the epitome of evil -- 

  find a way to treat each other 

  with respect, 

  and more often than not, 

  come to some reasonable and responsible solutions 

  for the issues at hand, 

  no matter how painful and conflicted. 

  Will this always be true? 

  I cannot say, but that has been my experience 

  I intend to keep opening space 

  so that wonderful people such as you 

  can experience that "playground" 

  in which real people with real differences 

  can meet each other 

  with respect. 

  And if you are looking for something to do right now -- 

  you could try the same thing. 

  So - here's to large circles 

  and deep listening, 

  wide openness 

  and huge respect! 

  And somewhere 


  and everybody 

  is connected 

  and every action 

  will have an effect 

  for all of us.

  I am new in this place.

  It may take time - 

  but we can get there!



  By Dania Pratiwi,Juliane Ade, Jon Harvey, Argene Carswell, Josef Ralt, 
Harrison Owen, Shay Ben Yosef, Filiz Telek, Pat Black, Funda Oral and Lisa Heft

  August 23, 2006


  L i s a   H e f t

  Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

  O p e n i n g  S p a c e 

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