Dear Jaime

The program sounds very interesting. I am very interested to know your findings.


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jaime Pedreros 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:10 PM
  Subject: OS + AI in humanizing politics... longish

  Dear colleagues,

  I am preparing a three-course program in order to humanize politics in 
Bolivia. I gather the enthusiasm and energy to start this project based on 
almost 20 year-experience conducting seminars and in-house training programs in 
Human Relations Within the Working Environment. I mostly used Transactional 
Analysis techniques and progressively added OS and AI. 

  All projected programs last 12 hour and are mainly addressed to politicians 
(about 250 people) gathered to discuss and write a new Constitution for 
Bolivia; a brief description follows:
    1.. First program is aimed to Human Relations in Politics; topics to be 
covered are: HR in politics why and what for; how we are, how the others are 
and how we communicate to each other; body language; games we play in politics. 
    2.. The second one relates to Conflict Resolution and covers nature, causes 
and effects of conflicts; main types of conflicts and some techniques to 
analyze and solve them. 
    3.. Third program deals with Situational Leadership (Hersey-Blanchard 
Model) and includes a test to identify personal traits/style; discussion and 
study of the main styles; exercises and group dynamics.
  I am sure most of you know some experiences and/or instances where OS/AI were 
used, mainly on the two last fields, i.e Conflict Resolution and Leadership. 
Please give some references and insights. Will let you know my findings. 

  Have my anticipated thanks and warmest regards


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