Dear Thomas,

I am very excited to hear about your work with the schools!  At the OSonOS
by the Sea, I met a new OS community member who is a school superintendent
(the guy in charge of the whole school district in one of the towns in New
Jersey).  He is seeing the potential for Open Space as one of the methods
for transforming the schools.  And here you are, across the Atlantic, about
to train OS facilitators to work in the Swedish schools.

I am holding the space with you, dear Thomas, and send warm wishes to the 20
people who are fortunate enough to be learning from you.    

Sending you balmy autumn breezes from sunny Phoenix and a big hug, 

Christine Whitney Sanchez
KAIROS Alliance Inc.
2717 E. Mountain Sky Avenue
Phoenix, AZ  85048

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:44 PM
Subject: OS training tomorrow (X-posted OS/GC lists)

Dear friends in Genuine Contact and Open Space or whatever Tomorrow I will
start the first day of facilitating an OS-training for 20 people working
within the schools in a large city here in Sweden. Perfect preparation
before going to Raleigh for the OSonGC for trainers and the following
OSonIAM. Please hold the space with me! I hope this will spread OST
throughout the schoolsystem in this area - it is so much needed!
Warmest regards & Good Night
Thomas Herrmann         Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
Open Space Consulting   Fax   +46 (0)300-713 89
Pensévägen 4
434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
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