One more vote for OpenSpaceOnline
  Louise Brissette
  ipsé, soi-même en latin
  un leadership créateur pour une écologie du travail

Gabriela Ender <> a écrit :  Date :         
Fri, 29 Sep 2006 12:47:34 +0200
De : Gabriela Ender <>
Objet: Re: Open Space Online Nomination (2 Voting Days Left)
À :

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Big  T H A N K  Y O U  for your vote   and for your very kind words! Yes, it is 
an indescribable honour to be selected   and listed among all the other 19 
positive and future-oriented (and   million-users) Internet projects.
You wrote   "I’ve case my vote for you and your team and with it my wish that 
Open Space   will grow faster and beyond borders."

  ... Yes, yes   :) I am sure, all this is already happen -- here some memories 
and   experiences:
About three months before I exprienced the strong vision of   OpenSpace-Online 
in 1999 a question arised in my mind. I begun to ask myself,   what can I do to 
help to spread OST much more than in the present. At this time   this question 
came again and again into my mind and I found it very, very   strange. 
Especially because I was at this time already very active with and for   OST.  
I co-facilitated a few Open Space Conferences and I was very busy   with 
"planning & conducting" OST trainings together with Michael M Pannwitz.   "How 
can I spread even more Open Space?" I found this "inner besetting question"   
very curious. But over months this question appears again and again. When I   
experienced the deep flash of inspiration ... it was very C L E A R ... this 
was   the answere ... and OK, I understand, this is my job :). 

And now since a   few years, wonderful things happens. Most of the people or 
organizations, who   get in contact with us have no knowledge about OST / 
OpenSpace. They simply look   for fast and easy to use group meetings tools -- 
mostly via search engines.   ´They have an urgent topic and a group and the 
problem of not being physically   together ... they "jump into" a first try to 
use OpenSpace-Online without being   interested in the "deeper" online method.  
But then, when   they feel ... wow ... something here is special, some of the 
participants and   sponsors begin to be corious about the methodology and also 
often about its   face-to-face roots. Then they often read our eBook. This kind 
of "own   aha-discovery's" have led a lot of OpenSpace-Online users to read 
Harrisons User   Guide (its always my first suggestion) and to other wonderful 
personal and   business changes, which we all know very good :). I have had so 
many of these   aha-talks in the past and this is
 simply "heart-filling".

I am sure, the   jury's Global Top 20 selection and/or the Top 10 award is a 
good help for   both watersides of the wonderful 
"passion-and-responsibility-river" Open Space.   
  Thank you,   dear Claudia and all who are crossing their fingers for us!
  Now, only 2   Voting Days Left ... its very exciting.
  Here again the   link to the PoliticsOnline voting page:

      ----- Original Message ----- 
    From:     Claudia Haack 
    Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:11     PM
    Subject: Open Space Online     Nomination

    Congratulations!      What a feat to be nominated.  I was impressed by the 
kind of things that     are on the list.  So many wonderful, innovative, 
positive approaches to     garner the involvement of “those who care”.  I’ve 
case my vote for you     and your team and with it my wish that Open Space will 
grow faster and beyond     borders. 
    Toi, toi,     toi,
        Claudia     Haack
    KAIROS Alliance,     Inc.

. . . the great and incalculable grace of love,     which says, with Augustine, 
"I want you to be," without being able to give any     particular reason for 
such supreme and unsurpassable     affirmation.  -- Hannah Arendt * *     
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