This piece about the presence that we bring to an experience is so
essential. The presence of opening space, the presence of holding intention,
the presence of inviting emergence...

I notice that any way of being that we enact has the capacity to be charged
with a spectrum of presence. How connected, aligned, and unattached are we
to the way we are showing up?  I notice, with small and large groups, that
the 'type' of presence an individual embodies is usually reflected in some
way in the group. As others have said, silent presence creates space for
consciousness, emotional presence creates space for accepting emotions that
are arise (all kinds) and recognizing them for what they are.

One flavor of presence that I embody is a passion for, curiosity about and
love of life. I often see this reflected in groups that I work with. I'm not
necessarily doing anything particular but the presence of my being opens
space for complementing currents to emerge, mixing with and creating the
flow of the group. I work mostly with smaller groups and my presence usually
isn't invisible. And yet it does feel like there is a quality of
transparency that seems to easily transfer to others as an awareness and
acceptance that they too have access to this presence.

I wonder... What flavors of presence do you embody when working with groups?


On 10/6/06, Jack Ricchiuto <> wrote:

Harrison writes,

> There is yet another level which I might call "Silent Presence." Somehow
> this goes beyond, beneath Intellect and/or emotions. The power of this
> level
> of presence in terms of grounding/supporting a group is profound, I have
> found. Don't ask me how it works, but it does.
In my experience, the silence we bring creates space for consciousness
which itself is transformative because it expands everyone into a larger
space where more is possible. So that explains why my whole life outside OS
events is cultivating this consciousness, this silence, this Presence.

Jack Ricchiuto
Leadership coach, facilitator, author

Just Released! "Mountain Paths: A Guide on the Journey toward Discovering
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