Hi Robyn,

I may have a partial answer for you. Some parts of the software development industry, particularly "Agile" communities of practice, have embraced OS for conference formats and some have brought it into their companies for collaborative, transparent planning & decision making. I know of at least four SW-IT conferences this year that were run all in Open Space (Recent Changes Camp, Agile Open in Benelux, CITCON in the UK, and Simple Design & Testing Conference) and I think there are more...in addition to traditional conferences with Open Space tracks or sections. We have a 2-day all Open Space conference coming up next January in Portland, Oregon.

I have also held space inside some companies for their IT/SW departments. These department had piloted the use of new SW methodologies and needed to look at the organizational systems issues that arose and to evaluate whether to continue and expand their efforts. Several months after the OS, my clients report initiatives going forward that arose during the OS. Because of client confidentiality I can't mention the company names, but they are out there.

Hope that helps.


Diana Larsen
503-288-3550 www.futureworksconsulting.com
co-author, "Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great!" (2006)

"Agile Retrspectives: Making Good Teams Great!" PUBLIC workshop, Nov. 20-21. Vancouver, B.C. CANADA

"Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" PUBLIC workshop, Dec. 5-7, 2006.
Register now http://www.futureworksconsulting.com/events.html

On Oct 22, 2006, at 3:19 PM, Robyn Williams wrote:


I’m interested in the reference to the "Techie Community" (Harrison) and “other techie camps" (Michael).

I’m about to work with the Information Technology Service of a University - can you say more about these experiences please?


Robyn Williams


Facilitation Communication Sustainability

Western Australia

E: p...@iinet.net.au

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu]On Behalf Of Harrison Owen
Sent: Saturday, 26 August 2006 5:20 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Camps. Gatherings & Un-conferences

The approach to meeting is known as Open Space Technology, which I originated some 20 years ago. Since then it has been used in excess of 60,000 times in 120 countries around the world with groups ranging in size from 5 to over 2000. Users have included major global corporations, governments, NGOs, communities, and more recently the "Techie Community." What happened in Mountain View is the typical experience: diverse people energetically interact to produce exciting and innovative solutions. This seems to happen every time, and perhaps more remarkably, it seems to happen pretty much all by itself. There is no pre-set agenda and little facilitation. The people do it all themselves.

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