Re: Fear of freedomDear Yoav,

What i do more and more now is to respect and listen carefully everybody's 
opinion, suggestion and fear.

I don't judge or fight with it.

If they/ he /she are/is afraid......there must be a good reason for this.

It's more important to respect and deal with this fear (even if you don't solve 
it) than to open space.

I agree that it's a good idea to take yourself out of the relation between this 
lady and the committee. 

I also suggest you to show her you really listen to her suggestion and deal 
with her fear and unsecurity.

Her letting go of control and opening space are the best ways to start a new 
and healthy organization where
everbody would willingly take part...

Tell her ...this might seem a long and undirect way...but much more healthy and 
secure for an organization to start

I wish she sees this and enjoys the ost process.

let us know what happens.

good luck



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Yoav Peck 
  Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 3:12 PM
  Subject: Re: Fear of freedom


  Thanks for your response. Yes, I have to get myself out of the way here, and 
letting the Committee decide what to do with the madam's plan and to have her 
experience a limited-audience re-thinking of her assumptions makes sense. The 
"document" to be produced by the steering committee might be the way to 
acknowledge her idea while contextualizing it in what might still be an 
open-ish process for the large group. Whether it can be a true open space will 
depend on her willingness to have her plan become an idea rather than the idea 
for how to move forward. 

  We spent a glorious week in the highlands last summer. What a great country 
to live in! 

  Thanks again. Yoav




  From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of kerry napuk
  Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:27 PM
  Subject: Re: Fear of freedom


  Dear Yoav


  Ah, the insecurity of management!


  How about distributing her plan to the Steering Committee and asking the 
Committee to deal with it during a half day event?  She will then experience 
her plan's acceptability to the core group wanting to move the project forward. 
 Let them deal with it while you step aside. 


  Once the Steering Committee completes it's work, they can distribute their 
agreed document to all  participants before reconvening an OST event for the 60 
people and anyone else interested.  The emphasis of this second event would be 
to agree the way forward and create action plans to make it happen.


  Good luck.




  Kerry Napuk


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