another word that's coming to my mind is "expectations." my apologies if it's 
already been discussed and i missed it in previous messages.

if the sponsor and others expect some type of breakthrough during one meeting, 
anything short of it could be determined as average or even below average. 

if they are open to experimenting with a new approach to convening people and 
are sincerely interested in inviting people to fully engage, hopefully they'll 
see that the first open space meeting is merely the beginning of a new way of 
being in organizations. thus, to draw a lot conclusions after one meeting may 
be a waste of time.

i'm reminded of how important it is for we facilitators to be talking about 
issues like this with sponsors when considering using open space. michael 
herman and chris corrigan and others on the list often talk about the 
importance of seeing this as a type of "practice." 

we're wanting to nurture new habits and attitudes. i suspect we're setting the 
stakes rather high to expect this will happen in one meeting.  of-course, we 
want to be open to it (new habits and attitudes forming), welcome and embrace 
it when it happens but not be disappointed when it doesn't.

C isa Kocher <> wrote:     "Failure"          
st2\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }    
       > You’re not leading them into heaven, only into an open place.
  if people are going to do a group activity, the most important thing is that 
the direction s are clear
  I have seen some of the world’s most beautiful quilts, and there is nothing 
more divine and exquisite than a truly beautiful quilt, and they are done by a 
lot of ladies working together anonymously each person doing each piece.
  I am so sure that such a together lady like yourself will give just the right 
amount of direction and people will take off and sew up a storm. I am a 1000% 
  love and peace
  We do not inherit it; we borrow the Earth from our children: Native American 
  The only immorality is not to do what one has to do when one has to do it: 
Jean Anouilh 
    You’re not leading them into heaven, only into an open place.  If they’re 
the right people for the issues and opportunities at hand, well then... 
(shrugging my shoulders).
 In other words, don’t blame yourself.
 For all of you out there celebrating Thanksgiving this coming week, happy 
holiday and love from central New Jersey, USA.
 Ralph Copleman
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