
We also find that some in a group may be illiterate.   I ask that convenors 
"make sure that a report is written," reminding them that they can ask for a 
volunteer, or the group can make the report together in the last few minutes of 
the session.

At one OS, I knew that there were people on the park-maintenance crew who did 
not read or write.   One woman sat on the sidelines for a long time with a 
paper in hand, and finally asked a friend to make the poster "because my 
is not too clear," she told me later.   She asked a very thought-provoking 
question.   And the director of the organization came to her session, and 
volunteered to take notes in the flipchart.

As for writing on the floor, I've had repeated knee injuries.   Getting down 
to the floor is not easy, and getting back up is not a pretty sight.   Just in 
case someone else has the same problem, I usually put out a few pieces of 
cardboard (tablet backs) alongside the paper and pens, so participants can sit 
a chair and do their writing on their laps if they so choose.


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