On 12/7/06 2:00 AM, someone wrote:

> It is the crossing of the stars (those of us on the OSLIST) that
> connected the "ho" dots to Harrison's underlying magic.
> Ain't it great?

Before we let ourselves get made one with those sticky cosmic dots, let¹s
Hang On a bit.  Let us remember that HO can also stand for  ³Hold On²,
³Hell¹s Own², and ³Hidden Options².

Granted, open space is High Octane stuff, but I think we should Hold Over
any consideration of Holy Orders On High, no matter How Outstanding an idea
may be.  After all, it was only after eating His Olives in those famous
martinis that HO came up with this High Order technique.  How Often a
Hundred Others Hear Our Highly Original thinking should be thoughtfully
HOned.  Indeed.  And HOnestly: thank goodness.

Now, consider the reverse expression.  ³OH!²  It is the reaction many have
when they first experience open space.  Some think it¹s Overly Heavy.
Others Heal.  Only Heaven really knows what Opinions Hatch, but always, I
find, Owls Hoot, and Only Happily.  Ordinarily, However, I Only Hesitate to
point this Out Here.  Just because.

I¹m not sure where I¹m going with this, but I really like Hanging Out with
you folks.

(This is what you get when I skip my breakfast of Hot Oatmeal.)

Love to all!

Ralph Copleman

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