Hi there Funda,

We did our third LIFT Open Space at the weekend just gone. It was very interesting and the third of three in the area of East London that is due for redevelopment and will be affected by the building and change brought about by the 2012 olympics: The LIFT new parliament is a a new travelling building that will house events/ forums and gatherings parallel to arts events and festivals. It will be staffed with people trained from the east end who will ultimately take it over as a legacy project.

you can see it here...


Here is a list of the issues that came up: the one called "The Boat" was actually just a picture of a boat! The first one ended with us all doing an African dance we had been taught by an amazing lady called Rosamund.

The most frustrating element was trying to get local people to come to the event and feeling that it really was for them. We averaged about 40-50 people for each event:

We havent had our meeting about what the next steps but it was certainly an exciting start and gave a great deal of people a new experience of Open Space.

I lifted these reports from the LIFT website. Just the titles give you an idea but you can further read the reports from the links and see photos of the event,


Hopeful and fearful
East London is changing fast.
What part can we play in its future?

Lift would like to thank everyone who came along to our first Open Space event at Stratford Circus on Saturday 7 October and contributed to a great day of lively discussion and fun. Special thanks to Phelim McDermott and the Improbable team for facilitating the day's events.

Open Space participant
Each discussion session was documented as it happened, and final reports from each session were then typed up in our Newsroom.

Here is a full list of each session title, with a link to a page which documents the issues discussed in full. You can also download a complete PDF or Word document which includes all the final reports from the Stratford Circus event.

Issue 1: Housing affordability and accessibility of local infrastructure >>

Issue 2: How do artists and entrepreneurs engage in a sustainable way with regeneration strategies? >>

Issue 3: How do we find beauty and nature in east London what with the new buildings and development? >>

Issue 4: How do you develop non-traditional audiences? >>

Issue 5: What are 'we' hopeful for? / What are we fearful of? >>

Issue 6: 2012 - who's party is it anyway? What right do any of us have to expect anything from it? >>

Issue 7: How will the arts be used in the regeneration of the area? >>

Issue 8: What is democracy in east London? >>

Issue 9: What is the role of poetry in the future of east London? >>

Issue 10: I live a few yards away from the Circus. How can the change / Olympic Games affect me and my neighbours? And how can we integrate with the community in the face of this change? >>

Issue 11: Empowering local people - how to get more out of regeneration process >>

Issue 12: How do we stop ourselves becoming too cynical or too excited about the Olympics >>

Issue 13: White teenage males - finding an identity >>

Issue 14: How to include east London's marginalised communities in the rapid-change process/'future-proofing' learning. What useful models are there? >>

Issue 15: What should east London mean to me if I am not 'from' east London? >>

Issue 16: What will a positive artistic legacy for 2012 look like (in east London) >>

Issue 17: Do we fear our neighbours and in the middle of all this seriousness can we still have fun together? >>

Issue 18: If there is a performance space in public space how would we use it? >>

Insiders and outsiders
Can we share our cultural spaces?

Lift would like to thank everyone who came along to our second Open Space event at Ocean on Sunday 19 November and contributed to a great day of lively discussion and fun. Special thanks to Phelim McDermott and the Improbable team for facilitating the day's events.

"Listening to people's experiences and meeting people I wouldn't otherwise. it was a very warm and friendly event."
Open Space participant
Each discussion session was documented as it happened, and final reports from each session were then typed up in our Newsroom.

Here is a full list of each session title, with a link to a page which documents the issues discussed in full. You can also download a complete Word document which includes all the final reports from the Ocean event.

Issue 1: Is the concept of community rooted in a physical space? >>

Issue 2: How do we signal permission to participate? >>

Issue 3: Does sharing a cultural space dilute the culture? >>

Issue 4: Why are we talking about this? >>

Issue 5: What is culture? >>

Issue 6: Is theatre elitist? >>

Issue 7: What is cultural identity? >>

Issue 8: What is Andiaha Antigha? >>

Issue 9: Shall we have swimming pools in all theatre spaces? >>

Issue 10: Is The Stage a Cultural space? >>

Issue 11: How do we talk to each other? >>

Issue 12: Is the street a shared public space? >>

Issue 13: Why is sharing scary? What does it feel like? What happens after? >>

Issue 14: Making or consuming - what creates cultural ownership? >>

Issue 15: "Insiders/Outsiders": How are they made and unmade? >>

Issue 16: Do you need a dressing room? >>

Issue 17: How do we share our (cultural) knowledge? >>

Issue 18: How have cultural spaces been shared in the past? How can they be shared in the future? >>

Issue 19: How can we share real reactions and in what environment? Here and now. >>

Issue 20: What would a perfect space be like? >>

Can culture connect us?

Lift would like to thank everyone who came along to our final Open Space event at Rich Mix on Saturday 2 December. Special thanks to Phelim McDermott and the Improbable team for facilitating the day's events.

Each discussion session was documented as it happened, and final reports from each session were then typed up in our Newsroom.

Here is a full list of each session title, with a link to a page which documents the issues discussed in full. You can also download a complete Word document or PDF which includes all the final reports from the Rich Mix event.

Issue 1: Is tabloid culture poisoning minds and burning cultural relations? >>

Issue 2: The privilege of travel >>

Issue 3: If culture can't connect us, what can? >>

Issue 4: If, or when, we have to cut carbon emissions by 90% can culture still connect us and how? >>

Issue 5: How can we go beyond tokenistic participation and flase democracy? >>

Issue 6: Why should we culturally connect? What are we scared of otherwise? >>

Issue 7: The world is in such a dangerous state. Can the arts change anything or should we only give up and get into politics? >>

Issue 8: The Boat >>

Issue 9: Community based art vs/meets high culture >>

Issue 10: Is there more to narrative than sex or death? >>

Issue 11: Culture and technology >>

Issue 12: Cultural interchange at King's Cross >>

Issue 13: List of best and worst examples of 'cultural fusion' >>

Issue 14: Can white actors play black characters/non-disabled actors play disabled characters? >>

On 6 Dec 2006, at 22:06, owner-osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu wrote:

Hi Phelim,

Both Open Space Events sound very meaningful.

So how was the 2nd Open Space event? who has participated in the event?
How were the discussions ? any result ?


----- Original Message -----
From: Phelim McDermott
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 4:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: Lift News December 2006

Hi there,
Here's an update on the two open space events I'VE Been doing for London International Festival of Theatre towards their new Parliament building . They've created a really nice site report on their website. There's another one tomorrow. "Can Culture connect us?". details below.
Best wishes
Begin forwarded message:

From: Lift <i...@liftfest.chtah.com>
Date: 1 December 2006 14:19:53 GMT
To: phe...@mac.com
Subject: Lift News December 2006
Reply-To: Lift <support- b1wgjmwa676ymtby9u55gbgp0u7...@lift.chtah.com>

Fusion or confusion: can culture connect us?

Is the street a shared public space? >>
How do we share our (cultural) knowledge? >>
Is the concept of community rooted in a physical space? >>
Should we have swimming pools in all cultural spaces? >>

These are just some of the questions raised and discussed at our most recent Open Space event at Ocean in Hackney when we asked the question "Insiders and outsiders: can we share our cultural spaces?" If you have thoughts, ideas and questions you would like to share, please join us for the last event in the series, tomorrow, Saturday 2 December.

Just as the creative workshops we are currently facilitating with east London residents and architecural practice AOC will inform how the Lift New Parliament looks and operates, so too, will your collective voice help to shape the programmes and activities inside this new cultural space.

So, whether you're feeling fused or confused, please join us.

Saturday 2 December, 10am-7pm at Rich Mix, Bethnal Green Rd, Tower Hamlets. In partnership with Rich Mix and Artsadmin

Tickets are £7 and £5 concession. To register, please call 020 7490 3964 or emailn...@liftfest.org.uk.

Read about the topics discussed during previous events >>

Development event at the Bank of England

The Lift New Parliament was celebrated at a special event in the beautiful Court Room of the Bank of England on the 9 November. Hosted by Lift chair Amelia Fawcett, the evening detailed our exciting plans and made the invitation to a cross-sector audience to partner in the creation of the Lift New Parliament.

As guest speaker, the Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP enthusiastically endorsed the project; "The initial design for the Lift New Parliament embodies Lift's innovative approach and is truly unique. It really is an inspiring project".

Guests attended from a wide range of different organisations, including East London Business Alliance, the BBC, Arts Council England and London Thames Gateway Corporation. They included the Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP, Stephen Dunmore, CEO of the Big Lottery Fund, Graham Mallett of Thames Water and Bill Morris, CEO of LOCOG.

If you would like to find out how you can work with Lift to help create the Lift New Parliament please visit our website >>

I Was There 2006

I Was There: The People's Review is a special news review show that looks back on the stories that made the news in 2006 using footage shot by people who were there when it happened. Those of you who experienced The Sultan's Elephant in person or saw it on tv will certainly remember it as one of the most newsworthy stories of the year. One of the schools that attended Lift's picnic for 400 schoolchildren, where each school welcomed the Sultan by giving him a time capsule with mementos from their part of the UK, during the Sultan's visit to London was Prudhoe Community High School from Northumberland. Their teacher Tim Smith made a film of their experiences that day which ITV will be using as part of their programme recapping 2006.

Catch the screening and relive the magic of The Sultan's Elephant through a spectator's eyes on ITV 1 on New Year's Eve at 10.00pm.

Young @ Heart Chorus

For anyone who missed the heartwarming documentary "What's Age Got to Do with It?" about the Young @ Heart Chorus, the programme will be screened again on More4 at 7.05pm on Saturday 2 December.

You can also vote for the show at www.channel4.com/more4 as your favourite More4 programme you'd most like to watch again. The last day for voting is 4 December, and you can watch the winning show on Christmas Day at 11.35pm.

The Young @ Heart Chorus hope to have a CD of the music from Road to Nowhere out soon. Please check www.youngatheartchorus.com for tour dates and more info.

The Young @ Heart email inbox has been flooded with warm wishes and kind messages since the documentary screening and Lift would also like to thank those who have taken the time to post their comments on our website.
Read and respond >>


A selection of non-Lift-related contemporary culture, events and discussions taking place in and around London in December.

Festival of Central and Eastern European Arts. 10 November - 2 December. Don't miss this year's feeast, full to the brim with the most innovative and exciting arts from Central and Eastern Europe >>

Cirkus Cirkör & Kaleidoskop's The Mermaid. 23 Dec-7 Jan, Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank Centre.† Plunge into a world where circus, theatre and dance blend together in this contemporary version of Hans Christian Andersen's classic dark fairytale. Ticket Office 0870 160 2519 >>

These listings are paid-for advertising. Please contact each individual organisation for more information about performances or events.

If you would like to include a listing please email n...@liftfest.org.uk

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