Hello Harrison and others,

I love open space - and first I could not imagine anything to do different
and especially not smaller ;-)

But now I just realized that I didn't do the documentation part the last
times I have run an OS. I know that this could provoke the idea of getting
things done, so I will try to explane - maybe I'll understand it myself al
least ;-)

First: "when it's over, it's over" So I should not be working with
documentations, not even copying cd's after it's over and I can feel that
the energy very quickly changes after everybody are gone. 

Second: I'm inspired by the U-theory in the book "presence" (Peter Senge,
Otto Scharmer, Joe Davorski and Betty Sue Flowers). In short it says that we
often cannot go directly from thinking/planning to performance (that's why
we so often are discussing "implementing"). We have to "open our mind, open
our heart and open our will" - very similar to what's happening in OS. And
then we have to "let come"/"let the future emerge, while we are listening
with attention" and wait until something crystallizes/emerges - and then
make prototypes of what emerged.

What I did at a couple of open spaces is that in the closing circle I gave
them a picture (random chosen) and asked everybody to take a look of the
picture, think about the topic of the day and all the stuff happened on the
day - and then listen to what is emerging, which ideas emerge, which
decisions are trying to be taken, what's crystallizing?
I am surprised! Some new stuff emerges and it sort of concentrates or
finding the essence of the days work - amazing!

I admit that I only did it in small groups 20-25 persons - but try and see
what happens... I can´t explain why it works and I am still experimenting...

Anybody else experimenting with documentation? In this way or another?

All my best!

Lise, Copenhagen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] På vegne af Harrison
Sendt: 20. november 2006 23:29
Til: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Emne: Revision of The User's Guide / Some Help Needed

It looks like Berrett-Koehler is prepared to do a revised (3rd) Edition of
"Open Space Technology: A User's Guide." This is no rush job, as it probably
will not appear until Spring of 2008. However, no time like the present to
start, and I could use some help.

Specifically, I welcome your thoughts on what needs strengthening
(clarification), or modification, or elimination (what can we leave out?).
The book as it stands is almost 15 years old. I think it still "works" but
it is also true that we have all learned a great deal over that time. One
thing I don't want to do is to get into a lot of theory or extended
examples. This is (and I think should be) a "User's Guide." Nothing but the
facts, and how to do it! 

I want to keep the book roughly the same size, and if anything smaller. And
don't worry about "wordsmithing" and fine edits. Berret-Koehler pays people
to do that.

You can obviously post your thoughts here on OSLIST - but I would appreciate
it if you would send me a copy hho...@verizon.net.  And of course, you can
always send your thoughts offline, but I think we all might enjoy the

I can't think of a better bunch of folks to help with the revision, but I am
approaching this with some trepidation. When last I sought your help with
"The Practice of Peace" I had 180 responses. All were wonderful, but
somewhat overwhelming. But I guess that is what a community is for - to be
wonderful and maybe overwhelming. Or something - and Thank You!


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20854
Phone 301-365-2093
Skype hhowen
Open Space Training www.openspaceworld.com <http://www.openspaceworld.com/>

Open Space Institute www.openspaceworld.org
Personal website www.ho-image.com 
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