
I'm interested ... "opening the space again" implies it got closed.. or does it open wider? How does this fit in to the scheme.. and when do you feel the right time is for this in relation to an approaching closing? I've been using stickies but as they've been two day events without a next day follow on... it always seems to collide a bit with closing as people are still writing reports and have just finished their last sessions.

On 12 Dec 2006, at 12:28, Harrison Owen wrote:

Diana -- I presumed that you meant to send your response to OSLIST, but it
came just to me -- so I took the liberty of forwarding it.

And it may well be that my presumptions also got the better of me in my
response. Your description of your actions made me think of TOP -- The
Technology of Participation which ICA created perhaps 40 years ago. It was a wonderful thing in its day, but boy, did that facilitator work hard fielding
ideas and arranging affinity groups. My problem with that approach was
always that the facilitator seemed to be working much too hard, and at a practical level, he or she often essentially defined the affinity groups. If there had been no other way to go, I guess it is OK -- but my experience
said that the group could do all of this by itself.

Voting, whether by computers or sticky dots, is pretty low visibility stuff, at least as far as the facilitator is concerned. But it does require a full
listing of the issues discussed. This is typically available in the
proceedings which had been printed up over night or simply on the wall where the issues are posted. But as I said, I personally prefer opening the space again for action. This allows the group to rework the shape of the issues, either by combining issues, or by identifying some subset. Of course they can also identify some totally new area for action. And in any case the "rules" are the usual and the presence of the facilitator can be minimal to non-existent. By that time in a gathering the group can usually facilitate


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