Dear fellow spacers…


            It has been quit a while since I last connected. What a delight
to do so. What a deep sense of gratitude to know one can come and go and
come again and what a great thing to practice what we preach J


            Reading December postings with traveling reports and Tao and
everyday roads moved me (not without difficulty) to come out of my over a
year hibernation and repot some of the Open Space Technology travels here in


            7 years of OST presence in Israel, over 70 people who
participated in OST trainings and a first 3 day OS on OS Israel has taken
place mid December 2006!. It felt as if the 31 people who showed up had
needed a space for themselves, to meet with like minded people and be "off
guard and off duty" for a while. For many it was hard to take 3 days off (as
you know in Israel we fail to take a full two day weekend!) yet, with all
the coming and going, as Avner had put it, a field of grace was present.

            A wonderful rotating team of 4 facilitators (I hope we will
share the model in more detail soon): Shay, Hannah, Rotem and Daphnnah had
done a graceful service going in and out from facilitating to participation
in the group.

            Just to share some of the wonderful conversations: space was
opened  for 'Dreams and dreaming' for 'the sense of disappointment that
often comes right after or coupled with the 'high' of opening space' for
'living the principles of OS as everyday practice' for 'opening space in the
family' and more. Most of the time the common field, created on the lawns of
Kibbutz Har-el on the Mountains of Jerusalem, was in a flow state, doted by
people here and there, moving, not being able to tell are these butterflies
or "real groups?" The space was reach with poetry and full of spirit.

            On day three Shosh, coupled by Menachem initiated a move: to
work as an open space community of practitioners an to take upon our selves
to open space locally and countywide for school teams, parents, youth, care
givers, police etc for to open space  for issues and opportunities in moving
from sexual harassment  prevention in schools" (temporary name) the
intention is to form few dozens of simultaneous OST events in different
places and by that help make a countywide shift. 10 out of the 19 people who
attended at the time listed themselves for at least one OST process each
with or without pay.


            It seams that at the age of 7 we are becoming an Israeli Net and
"going to school" , so to speak.


Bye for now

Please make it a best year for you and all - a happy new year 

With much love


Tova Averbuch



Tova Averbuch             טובה אורבוך
34 Rabinovitz St.   רחוב רבינוביץ 34     
Holon            58672               חולון 

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