Dear Jana,
beginning this afternoon, the german speaking os-workers are gathering for their annual 3 day OSonOS / Learning Exchange. I realize this is not January 22 yet, but if you have more info than shown on your lovely website

let me would be a great opportunity to spread it among the 33 folks that registered for the regional OSonOS. And a good input for the discussion we are going to have, I am sure, about the proposed 16th worldwide OSonOS in Berlin in 2008.

At the same time, please find further down in this mail the invitation that the Future Search Network people are circulating for their next worldwide Learning Exchange in South Africa this fall (their summer). I think it is an informative and straightforward invitation. Their scheme of asking questions in the invitation that address the event itself, what is happening around the event, etc. make it easy for me to read on.

Wish you all the best in planning for May and a productive 2007!!
mmp boscop eg

"You Are Invited to Future Search Network’s 2007 LEARNING EXCHANGE
in Johannesburg, South Africa
1. Invitation
A group of committed Future Searchers is delighted to extend an invitation to the 2007 Future Search Network Learning Exchange in South Africa. We want to extend the global impact of Future Search, provide you with a first-hand experience of a developing country and enable new connections, particularly from Africa and other developing countries.
2. Key dates for the 2007 Learning Exchange
§        Informal Activities: Wednesday 7th November 2007

§        Formal LE Begins: Thursday 8th November 2007

§        Formal LE Ends: Saturday 10th November 2007
(November is South Africa’s early summer before the tourist rush.)
3. Location
Johannesburg / Pretoria area which has international airport access, a variety of accommodation options and near local areas of interest.
4. Background to this invitation
South Africa is now into the second decade of democracy and the time is opportune for a national focus on ‘thinking globally, acting locally’. Putting Future Search more firmly on the South African map could be significant in our progress towards a more sustainable and democratic society. The idea to conduct the Learning Exchange in South Africa was first raised at the 2005 Northern Ireland LE where we proposed 2007 as the date. Those at the 2006 Philadelphia PA LE unanimously agreed to the plan.
5. Some initial ideas for the 2007 Learning Exchange
We hope to bring together the following groups:

Members of the world wide Future Search Network

Experienced and New facilitators

Potential sponsors

Community organizations

Organizations with specific focus (e.g. conservation, social service, etc.)

Government (national and local)

Development agencies (e.g. UN, World Food Relief, UNESCO, etc.)


and all those interested in learning about Future Search and the Network.
A design team drawn from the Network and fully supported by the local team will work out the detailed design.

Some key concepts we are hoping to include are:

§        Adopting a developing country focus

§        Building whole communities for a healthy society

§        Sustainability

§        Getting the whole system involved
6. Facilitation Workshop with Sandra Janoff and Marv Weisbord

We are beginning the week with Sandra and Marv’s facilitation workshop, now named Leading Meetings that Matter: The “Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!” Workshop. If you haven’t been to this extraordinary workshop, come for both.
Location: Same as Learning Exchange
Dates: Sunday 4th November 2007 – mid-day Tuesday 6th November 2007
7. Why come to South Africa?
Quite apart from the LE theme itself, South Africa offers many attractions:

Seeing the miracle unfolding

Experiencing South Africa in all its complexity

Our Cradle of Humankind, a site outside Johannesburg that marks the origin of man 2.5 to 3.5 million years ago

Our wildlife and natural beauty

Physical attractions, sport, shopping, etc.

For those who want to spend more time here, with family, friends or partners, the opportunity for a very reasonably priced holiday planned around the LE.
8. About South Africa
For strangers to South Africa considering a first visit, the ‘official’ website for the country has a lot of useful information and other web links. For those who know us, this site is comprehensive and kept up to date:
9. What’s in it for attendees?
The opportunity to see South Africa at first hand, experience our diversity, see first hand some of the challenges facing this and other developing countries and learn about the impact of Future Search in the developing world.
10. What’s in it for the FS Network?
The opportunity to extend its reach in Africa and, in particular, with projects in South Africa.
11. What’s in it for the South African network?
This will ensure more visibility for our local network. We want to create opportunities to conduct more Future Searches in Southern Africa and to have a bigger impact on communities in the region and to get development support for this.
12. Our next steps

Some of the key steps envisaged include:

§        Publicising the LE on the FS website

§        Firming up the venue details

§ Inviting volunteers from the Network to form a design team to put together a specific design for the LE event

§ Individually inviting participation from the 70 to 100 people throughout Southern Africa who have conducted Future Searches, attended an FS training or expressed an interest in Future Search.
13. Who is extending the invitation?
Our SA Network has now conducted around twenty Future Searches in South Africa, Botswana, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Tanzania and Zanzibar.
The core group extending this invitation includes:

§        Aria Merkestein:

o Focuses on African leadership and women’s issues; has conducted five Future Searches.

§        Dumisani Ncala:

o Experienced Human Resource practitioner; life coach/counselor and passionately involved in social development; limited FS experience

§        Tamara Sutila:

o Focuses on Media and Communication strategy, editing and content writing: has conducted four Future Searches

§        John Goss;

o Focuses on whole system development; has conducted eight Future Searches. In addition, there are another four to five local collaborators keen to join us."

Yana Demenko wrote:
*Dear Open Space community! *

Season greetings to all of you! You are greatly invited to participate in 15th Open Space on Open Space! Date: May 24-26, 2007 Place: Kyiv, Ukraine Venue: 17th century building, venue of the first Eastern-European University
*More information is coming on January 22 at *

*Hope to see many of you in 2007 in Kyiv! *

Warm greetings, Yana Demenko [e-mail] <> [post] 4B, Kyiv-1, 01001

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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