Open Spacers:
You'll see below that Chinarut plans to be in the US in April for a tour; 
anyone interested in
joining our Ithaca dance community in welcoming her?

If you're not familiar with National Dance Week, it's America's version of 
International Dance Day.
For the past 25 years groups across the country have offered special 
performances and classes aimed
at increasing public appreciation for the art of dance. Ithaca's NDW team 
blends performances with
community education and outreach, which gots lots of folks involved.

I'll be getting in touch with the NDW-USA Exec Director about adding the open 
space/dance component.
If you'd like to be part of this conversation, letme know. - Patricia

----- Original Message -----
From: Chinarut <>
Sent:         Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:43:20 +0700
Subject: Re: Open Dance Space

> Hi Patrica!  my first response to your question is everywhere :)    We are
> in Bangkok, Thailand right now.
>  any folks sharing your vision in Japan?
> I am very excited about sharing our work in Japan so it is funny you mention
> it.   where we have a listening at the moment (outside of BKK) is in
> Singapore and have the attention of a woman who is a graduate of the Tamalpa
> Institute <> in HK.   we are quite focused on
> creating a foundation based out of Thailand right now and open to
> negotiations as to handle our scope :)
> do you ever come to the US? have any similarly-minded/experienced folks in
> > the US?
> I intend to return to the US in April 2008 right now - we have between now
> and then to set up a tour! :)
> Our co-founder of Dance Labs, Ted Ko, is in the SF bay area.  I just spoke
> to him yesterday and gave him a 5 year update - he is very impressed with
> our progress in Thailand and in conversations as to how we can expand our
> fundraising capability.  We have a presentation to complete by the 22nd and
> would be delighted if anyone on this list is open to assisting us with it.
> We happen to have a substantial outreach effort ahead of us in 2007, many of
> which I'm sure you would be delighted to connect with.
> I'm excited and intrigued by what you offer below - and I'd like to explore
> > possibilities for
> > including it in our (Ithaca, NY) April celebration of National Dance Week.
> > Since NDW is associated
> > with International Dance Day, and we're in touch with dance networks
> > worldwide who share our
> > commitment to dance as a way of building bridges across chasms of conflict
> > and cultural
> > bewilderment, linking Open Space with dance could open a whole new
> > dimention to our efforts.
> thank you for the invitation!   yes - I was introduced to IDD in thailand 2
> years ago - I had a great time dancing in the park thanks to our Dance
> Centre <>!    I just recently learned about the
> CID and a bit perplexed about their role and sending an email to them
> outlining exactly where we align with their top
> priorities<>and offering to
> be of assistance.  We very much believe in their intent and
> their "Dancer with no
> Frontiers<>"
> conference in Athens in Sept sounds exciting!
> It's also something that would be good to include in an international
> > gathering on integfrating the
> > arts across the sustainability movement that we're starting to plan for
> > the US Partnership for the
> > UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. I want to know more.
> > I'll check the website you
> > mention, but would love to hear from you directly.
> let's talk on the phone and/or set up a conference call.   I had a colleague
> of mine just send our executive overview to his contacts at the UN.  I am
> meeting with him next friday and this effort of yours with the UN would be
> great to mention to him.
> I am curious if you've read Cultural
> Creatives<
> i just finished it and you sound like one!   I am also curious if you take
> part of the Earthdance Festival <> - the largest
> gathering I know of at an International scale.
> If others on this list are similarly interested, please let me know.
> ditto!  It would be wonderful to coordinate a conference call together for
> those who are interested.  We will need some assistance in creating a
> reliable conf bridge - it's been a hit or miss with the technologies I've
> taken on and could use some additional suggestions.
> Chinarut
> ps. what is your website?  I found The Green
> Institute<>and suspect this is a
> different entity  as they are based out of DC and you
> are out of Ithaca.
> Patricia Haines
> > Level Green Institute, Ithaca, NY
> > Regional Coordinator and Outreach Director, National Dance Week-Ithaca
> > US Partnership for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development,
> > Arts Action Team and
> > Adult/Community Learning
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Chinarut <>
> > To:
> > Sent:         Sat, 6 Jan 2007 13:22:36 +0700
> > Subject: Open Dance Space
> >
> > > Hi!  I'm new to this list and open space was introduced to me at the
> > Asia
> > > Commons <> thanks to Allison Hewlitt's stand
> > to
> > > bring something so great to Asia!  This all wouldn't be possible if it
> > > weren't for Michel Bauwens' encouragement I be completely open to
> > surprises
> > > and attend - well this and then some! :)   I've been since mingling in
> > Ted
> > > Ernst's "Mystery of Open
> > > Space<
> >
> > >"
> > > thread on and he suggested I share my thoughts with the entire OS
> > > community.  It's a pleasure to meet you all!
> > >
> > > If you are someone who has applied and/or researched open space in the
> > > domain of dance with the intent to transform how many of us see and/or
> > > relate to dance and open up new spaces, this email is for you!
> > >
> > > My stake in open space:  In our community, dance is as much a
> > conversation
> > > as our spoken conversation and there is something to be said if you
> > bring
> > > people together without agenda to play and experiment with dance in a
> > way
> > > that parallels open space methodology.
> > >
> > > As a result, I've been leading an effort called Dance
> > > Labs<>on a volunteer basis for the past 5
> > > years following a thread I never knew
> > > existed.   It's only recently become a full-time effort shortly after
> > > releasing our work <> under a creative
> > commons
> > > license.   We have a short, edited 1.5 min video<
> >>
> > > summarizing 4 months of effort gearing how we participate with children.
> > > This makes things much more concrete, gives us much to ponder, and
> > builds
> > > much excitement to move forward with!
> > >
> > > So it's clear where we're at - we've suspended weekly gatherings in the
> > > spirit of focusing on fundraising this year - our sustainability is at
> > stake
> > > and we have this month to sort things out.  We have an Arts Festival in
> > > Bangkok end of February as a canvas to try any new ideas discussed here
> > on
> > > this list.   My intent in sharing is to keep our momentum going so any
> > input
> > > you have outside of our question below is appreciated and we will take
> > > discussions off list as it makes sense.
> > >
> > > One challenge we have is identifying what it takes to catalyze the
> > > interactive dance process - what we have discovered is akin to going
> > back
> > > and forth between the open space format and an agenda-driven
> > workshop-like
> > > format with intervals as quick as 5 minutes.    One way this looks is an
> > > experience we had planning a complete session (2 hrs), letting our
> > > participants have a say in the matter, and it ending up being a very
> > dynamic
> > > process integrating a larger subset of content than our agenda with
> > their
> > > presence! (research
> > > detail<>
> > > )
> > >
> > > This is much more fulfilling than a static workshop format as many of
> > you
> > > can imagine!
> > >
> > > Now is this a natural process of open space?
> > >
> > > Any direction(s) you feel we may proceed in from here is welcome!
> > >
> > > Chinarut
> > >
> > > *
> > > *
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> > year-old Danish Folk School.
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- fostering social, economic and environmental justice through collaborative 
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