
I like this idea a lot, of gathering close to the harvest moon, for both 
practical and emotional reasons.

Late September or early October is a reasonably easy time to travel, at least 
in the northern hemisphere--heavy vacation traffic is over, and the weather 
is likely to range from okay to downright gorgeous.   For a number of years, 
Paul participated in an annual conference the first week in October, and it was 
always a good time.   Just once, we sat at Sea-Tac airport all day, waiting 
for them to clear runways of snow in Denver, and arrived at our hotel in New 
Orleans after midnight.   But that was the exception.

Emotionally, I like idea of gathering near the harvest moon, fitting our 
season to the seasons of the earth.   For twenty-five years, we participated in 
the Creative Problem Institute, a week in June that always included the summer 
solstice, and that seemed to add a special energy.   Another time I took part 
in a series of classes held at what is now Whidbey Center, where the Practice 
of Peace was held a few years ago.   The monthly classes were scheduled for the 
weekends nearest the full moon, and the memory of beautiful moonlit nights 
adds a powerful element to what I learned during those months.

Energetically, I like the idea of meeting in various places with the same 
purpose, at the same time.   It seems like one small way we could participate 
knitting the world together.

Chris, I like the poetry of your vision, and hope to join you on Bowen Island 
in late September.


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