Dear Friends, 

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a way of thinking, a process and a
language of empathy and honesty. It can strengthen our ability to connect
with others, as well as ourselves, in fulfilling ways that can affect the
health of our families, our relationships with friends and co-workers, our
intimate relationships, our political and other social change circles, and
ultimately our communities and the world. 

I am delighted that We, The World is co-sponsoring this powerful
professional level NVC introductory training workshop. See below for a full
description. If you or your friends are in New York this weekend, I hope you
will be there! 

Rick Ulfik 
Director of We, The World

NVC Discovery Intensive 
in New York City
(2 1/2 Days) 
Friday Night Feb 2nd (6:45PM - 9:15PM)
Saturday and Sunday Feb 3rd and 4th (9:30AM - 4:30PM) 

Introductory Intensive - Click here to Register Online

with Thom  <> Bond
Founder and Director of NYCNVC
Certified Trainer, CNVC

This training is for anyone who knows what NVC is and wants an introductory
training on a professional level. Many people learn NVC in Practice Groups
or 1 to 3 hour classes. Although this is a very viable way to learn NVC, it
does not provide the movement and intensity many beginners want.
Additionally, many people who are learning NVC want to work with a Certified
Trainer to be sure they are getting a clear understanding of what NVC is and
what it is not.

The NVC Discovery Intensive takes us from the very beginning to a deeper
understanding of the meaning and implications NVC has in our lives and for
the Universe at large. We will practice to responding and communicating
consciously by expressing and hearing, based on what we are observing,
feeling, needing, and requesting.

Through the introduction of concepts in combination with experiential
exercises, demonstrations role plays and more, participants will learn about
the background, philosophy and concepts of NVC and have a first hand
experience of practicing it.

Topics include:
observation v evaluation
feelings v thoughts
needs v strategies
requests v demands
self empathy
the model v the consciousness
why does NVC work?

Friday Feb 2nd (6:45 PM-9:15 PM)
Saturday Feb 3rd (9:30 AM-4:30PM)
Sunday, Feb 4th (9:30 AM-4:30 PM)

West Side YMCA - Corner of West 63rd Street and Central Park West, Manhattan
(right next to Central Park).

The "Y" rents rooms on site, with shared private bath from $49 per night,
per person (double occupancy total $98 divided by 2 per night). Go To: for more info or or call 917 441-8800 to make a reservation.
NOTE: Ask for rooms on the 12th or 13th floor, if you want renovated rooms
with "private shared" bathrooms. Older rooms are available on the other
floors with shared public bathrooms for less money if you are interested. 

Tution for the weekend is $250. Friday only and Sat/Sun only seats are also
available as of this mailing. If you can't afford the tuition please contact
us to figure something out. We offer payment plans, work exchange,
scholarships or other strategies yet unconsidered. 

UNITID=13579> Click here to Register Online

For questions, information or to register by phone, call our office at 646
201 9226 or email us at

This is Thom Bond's ONLY scheduled introductory level workshop in New York
City. Below are some quotes from some of Thom's previous workshop
participants and students.

"An amazingly clear, informative, succinct, on-time, and interesting
presentation "

"I very much appreciate having a framework for practicing these skills, and
as a result of our sessions, am inspired to continue working on this."

"Thom initiated and supported a safe, non-judgemental, comfortable and
honest climate (felt safe and comfortable enough to share my examples with
the group and to speak honestly)."

"Thom's 200% energy, left us with some very tangible tools that we were all
working with all week. It really is such a different way of thinking and
relating to others, and even those that were resistant to how different it
was from their ways of communicating/expression got something out of it."

"Working with Thom has changed my life... really"

"Thom is by profession an organizational trainer, and he brings this
confidence and skill to the table when he does a training."

"Thom's style as teacher is one that is filled with personal stories and
examples that are appropriate and thoughtful. He does not place himself
above anyone else." 

"Thom supports and contributes to people from his heart because he really
cares about the future of our planet with non violence as the beacon of

"What I love most about Thom's skill as a teacher is his incredible
imagination and prowess at coming up with exercises or demos that are fun
and engaging. He is extremely adept at thinking on his feet and reading the
temperature of the group. I have seen him demonstrate this time and again,
particularly in challenging situations."

"Thom meets you where you are and offers appropriate guidance and focus."

Some words from Thom about his work.

Many people think of Nonviolent Communication as a "model" or a "method." It
is that and so much more. I believe, to truly practice NVC, we must go to
our hearts and minds and create a partnership within, to create new
perspectives and consciousness. No small chore, but doable.

I believe NVC can be a part of our evolution as individuals and eventually a
global culture, where conflict shows us ways to support life, not destroy
it. NVC gives us all a new way to see the world. A way to recognize the
"habitual" thoughts and words we use and choose "Life connecting" thoughts
and words. When we do this, life becomes more wonderful. Really. 

After teaching for over 20 years and teaching NVC for over 5 years, I have
come to dedicate myself to supporting a global shift, one person at a time.
I am thrilled, honored and eternally grateful to share NVC. 

---Thom Bond 


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