
Two remarks on the two topics
1. It has been discussed how it is sometimes for someone difficult to use 2 feet law as it is inconsistent with existing "norms" or previous "conditioning" and how wonderful it is to discover the possibility of getting free of them. A different situation I have many times met (as participant and as holder of the space) is when one is encouraged not to use his 2 feet and stay even when the temtation is big. This is the situation when someone has proposed a topic and nobody arrives at the beginning (and probably none has even signed for the topic proposed). In last of such case I encouraged (as a holder) a man just to stay and think and write his ideas down. After a while someone dropped in ... and at the end one of the ideas from this topic suggestions got the most of the voices of importance. 2. Theories have been discussed of how/why os is working. Just as a pure speculation i would like to add the "principle of contrast" :) I have noticed participants reaction after experiencing os in first time: "this is contrary to what we are practicing on "business days"" (the 4 principles and law of 2 feet), "so why not to do it just in a different way than before". And for the law and the principles I would propose a "hypothesis" for the researcher - the os seems to be more attractive based on "principle of contrast" for the people from "cultures of authority". The cultures where power is delegated high (in the sense of G. Hofstede) are enjoing the os most because of the "princilple of contrast".

with best regars,

Arno Baltin

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