Dear Joelle, Barry, Harrison, and all,

Thank you for your replies. And I appreciate hearing, Joelle, the value of
the User's Guide, too <smile>.

Barry, your story touched me deeply. I had heard bits and pieces of what you
shared in your last post before. Can't help wondering what came of the idea
to create a physical Open Space Institute.

Harrison, yes, the Two Martini tale will stay on...*and* "Spirit" tells
another story of OST, too! Heck, the "Spirit" book refers to a "halfway
technology." So, it makes me wonder that when you talk about an Indian
colleague pinning on the word "technology" might it have been just a wee bit
disingenuous to want to hit him with a hard you tell the story.

One of my favorite quotes from the book-
"There is use in crying over spilled milk...especially if that milk is your
whole life!"

No, I don't see "Spirit" offering an understanding of the deeper essence
antithetical to selforganization, it just enriches it. "Spirit" simply
invites another explanation of understanding OST/OS, without necessarily
considering selforganization.

I am inclined to think that "Spirit" has *much* to do with OST because if
you read the case examples from your apparently pre-OST experience, you will
see many elements of both the method's form and essence throughout.

An additional challenge in reading "Spirit" is deciphering the white spaces
between the lines and in the margins...


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