I'll give it a try, Chris... and Nancy, it was a delight to work and play with you!

Best regards,

On Mar 6, 2007, at 10:57 AM, Chris Corrigan wrote:


Nice...good to see the crew together again, and lovely to hear of this Open Space.  I think you have a great story on your hands about opening space in small communities and I would encourage you to write the whole thing up, from the inspiration through the invitation to the event and what comes next.



On 3/6/07, Beverley Neff <b...@cariboolinks.com> wrote:

As I sit on my porch this gentle, misty-grey, morning, listening to the
new sounds of birds returning to this island after the winter away, I
am full of such gratitude for the abundance and generosity of life. I
am particularly grateful for this OS community. Your guidance and
wisdom has enabled me to open space in my own little conflicted and
beautiful community, and watch the people take the process to their
hearts and run with it.

Fifty participants showed up for a day and a half to explore the theme
of Living together on Saturna Island: Issues and Opportunities. The
participants were a rich mix of full-timers, newcomers and part-timers
and it was a wonderful surprise to see equal numbers of men and women.
For the first time in Saturna's history, our Coast Salish neighbours
were acknowledged to be an important part of this community and
specifically invited to participate. The Tsawout First Nation accepted
and sent a member of their council and two elders, who were warmly
received. Our circle opened with a greeting, song and blessing by elder
Harry Underwood.

Although most people were completely new to OS, in less than an hour
they had posted 18 topics, which were explored in three breakout times.
At the end of the day, people left smiling and excited about the work
they had done together.

The next morning 40 people returned at 9:00 AM to read their book of
proceedings and move into action planning. To my surprise, after
presenting the books to each other, they all returned to their seats in
the big circle and sat there reading for 20 minutes, in complete
silence and concentration. At exactly the right time, our First Nations
neighbours dropped in to say heartfelt goodbyes and thankyous as they
left to the catch the ferry home and suddenly we were all being
gathered together for a group photo!

Then I reopened the space for Action Planning: Next Steps. (Thank you
again for your help with this new-to-me part of OS!) Ten invitations to
action went up on the wall, combined to nine working sessions. At the
request of the group and with the help of Val Embree (an OS facilitator
herself, who was there as a participant) they quickly revised the
suggested plan of one breakout time of 60 minutes and changed it to two
sessions of 45 minutes each.

In the closing circle everyone was grateful for OST, which resulted in
new and deeper connections with each other and the optimism, energy and
enthusiasm to work together to bring their action plans to fruition.
They were delighted with the process!

Being both sponsor and facilitator of the first real open space event
in my own small community was very challenging (to say the least!) and
equally rewarding. I'll try to share some of that experience in a
future posting here.

Although my two feet are well practiced in following my heart (I am one
of those who mostly 'live in open space') this was just my fourth time
opening space and the first time facilitating/sponsoring an OS with all
the components:  newsroom, book of proceedings and action planning.
Thanks to my co-sponsor Judith Rees-Thomas and the small but incredibly
competent support team who handled the logistics, it all went off
smoothly and simply. Harrison, I just did what your book said to do --
what a gift you have given us all! And Chris C., you'll be glad to know
that our friends Nancy McPhee and Sandra Kriese held space with me.

Many thanks to everyone. It feels like a door has opened here…

Beverley Neff
Saturna Island BC Canada

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