Dear OSLIST folks
As some of you are aware, contacts from three Open Space Institutes,
myself (Larry - Canada), Karen Davis (USA) and Brian Bainbridge (AU &
NZ) initiated a conference call among contacts from similar groups
across the world.  We wanted to test the idea of this form of
conversation with an initial focus on supporting the Worldwide Open
Space on Open Space.  We see these conversations as a complimentary to
the other forms of conversation going on across Open Space World -
OSLIST, openspaceworld web sites, worldmap, OSonline, OSonOS events and
travels by individuals.  In Canada and the US we had found regular
telephone conferences a great way to connect.  
We invited people from the institutes or groups of which we were aware
and who responded to our inquiries.  See our definition of
groups/institutes below in this post.  We did ask around a bit and
informed Harrison.  We did meet in English.  You will see later that we
hope to find more contacts from groups to join us through this posting.
So, on February 22nd, contacts from groups in Australia, Canada, USA,
Germany, Haiti, Sweden, UK, Taiwan and Ukraine had an "energizing"
worldwide call.  The interest was there for those from Denmark, Russia,
Estonia, and Isreal but they were not able to join.  Some were up till
1:00 am their time and others had to get up at 5:00 am.  For the most
part, the hours were reasonable for the rest.
The full notes and list of participants from that call are now posted
for you to read at 
In quick summary, we agreed to support the growth of the variety of
emergent OSonOSs and want to continue to support one, face to face,
annual WOSonOS - Worldwide Open Space on Open Space.  Kiev is the next
such worldwide event and we agreed to support it better.  The Institutes
and groups want to provide more guidance and support to WOSonOS in the
future.  This includes proposing a 2-3 year advanced planning cycle,
knowledgeable and experienced local planning capacity, and alternating
events between Europe, North America and Other locations (for the
moment).  We plan to continue these calls among groups/institutes to
help hold the space for worldwide open space.
Our strategy included specific ways to more actively recruit fort the
Kiev WOSonOS in our groups, a conference call before Kiev to develop
proposals for the next 2-3 OSonOS locations and to address other
possible items like a worldwide newsletter.  We added Thomas Herrmann
(Sweden) to the co-inviter group. 
We want to add contacts from other institutes or groups to our list for
the next call in early April.  If you are part of such an institute or
group (see below) please let us know.  Or, if you are part of a group of
three or more who intend to form an institute or group in the next few
months contact us as well.  The free conference call centre is in the
USA.  We encourage the use of calling cards to keep costs down.  If your
group wants you and one other to join the call, please send the
particulars about you and your group to Karen J Davis who sets up the calls or send any questions to me,
Larry Peterson 
 "We see OSIs or similar groups as those who tend to have country
meetings, OSonOS type events, "stammtishes", some form of group decision
making, with a goal to support the development of Open Space
(Technology) in their country or region.  Some are incorporated and
others registered to allow for bank accounts. They are beyond one
person's company or consulting practice."
Keep opening wonder and power full spaces.
Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
Toronto, ON, Canada

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