Dear friends in Open Space       

I am having discussions with a friend of mine who runs a company which does
surveys for companies in a quite interesting and easy way – by using
Internet. In September I will facilitate an OST-meeting with about 350
people – only 5-6 hours. I would like to try letting the participants have
the documentation sent and allowing time for reading before voting on which
are most important to them. 


A couple of times I´ve let participants answer via email – which of course
is a lot of work. So in order to do one less thing I´d like to try this
software which we very easily can modify to meet our needs.


My question is: What recommendations/ideas do you have for the voting. When
I use stickies in physical voting (which I´ve done with quite large groups)
I usually give them something like 5 votes to use as they like – all five on
one issue or spread out. This could be one alternative for this software
too. I know some of you let people put 10 votes on the top one, 9 on the
second most important and so on until 1. 


So I would appreciate pros and cons that you see/have experienced about
these methods and any other suggestions.

Warmest regards

Thomas Herrmann Phone +46 (0)709-98 97 81
Open Space Consulting Fax +46 (0)300-713 89
Pensévägen 4
434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Email:  <>
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