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Harrison and everybody- fear closes the space but we don't react to that, if we 
can stand still despite the fear then the space opens up itself and the useful 
and constructive part of it appears by itself.
  ( happily facilitating ost meetings though can not yet earn money , hope to 
share more later)  

Harrison Owen <> wrote:
                Avner – As always it is wonderful to see you online! And no 
question – fear can lead to fearful things. Case in point was the internment 
of the Japanese Americans. Which would seem to challenge, if not negate, much 
of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s argument about the period of World War II. Fear 
obviously can do some awful things, but I think the situation is perhaps a 
little more complicated. Truth of the matter is that fear in the face of real 
danger is actually quite useful. If nothing else it gets our attention. 
However, if the fear becomes paralyzing it can, and does, lead to very 
irrational and non-useful actions. Interning the Japanese was certainly such an 
action. It is also true that the danger posed both by Germany and Japan to the 
US and the rest of the world was definitely present. 
  The interesting thing is that the Japanese were interred while the Germans 
were not. Frankly, I don’t think you can explain that difference on the basis 
of fear. Racism would be more to the point. Certainly not a quality to be 
honored, and racism is obviously connected to fear (scapegoating and such) – 
but having experienced World War II, albeit as a boy, and now living through 
(hopefully the end) of the Imperial Reign of George, I really see a difference. 
Then we were afraid, but we also had a president who reminded us that, “We 
have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Today we have a president (along with 
a lot of other folks) who has consistently tried to heighten our sense of fear 
for his own reasons.
  And – I find myself going in a rather different direction. It is a given 
that fear is present, and also that fear can have both useful and destructive 
effects. My question is how do we understand our fear so that we get more of 
the former and less of the latter? And to complicate it a bit more – How do 
we understand our understanding of fear? I think our experience in Open Space 
can be helpful here. Somehow, even though the danger is not eliminated, our 
capacity for constructive action is enhanced. Why is this so? How do we do it 
more and better?
  I find myself wishing that the Aussie Psychologist might join our discussion. 
It might be interesting to hear what folks from that discipline have to tell us 
– about fear, about opening space to “reduce” fear, about ????
    Harrison Owen
  7808 River Falls Drive
  Potomac, Maryland   20854
  Phone 301-365-2093
  Skype hhowen
  Open Space Training 
  Open Space Institute
  Personal website 
  OSLIST: To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives 

  -----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of avner
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: Terrorized by terror -- Space closes
    Harisson, the Rabbi you mentioned had moved a long way since then and he is 
trying to initiate these days a spiritual alliance between the Judaism and the 


    Not letting fear control our lives is a constant challenge in our lives in 
Israel, especially when new opportunities are starting to emerge. The question 
usually is about risks that one is willing to take for his values 


    For example, we are planning an initiative to convince the Israeli 
authorities to let Muslims of all ages to pray on the Temple Mount - Haram a 
Shariff, on tension Fridays (when only adults above 45 years old are alowed to 
enter). On return we can only hope that the Muslims will to take full 
responsibility of preventing riots and harming Jews who are praying in front of 
the Wailing Wall. From our experiences, many riots of Muslims started there on 
Fidays, including the last disasterous Intifada. 


    Just out of curiosity about the period the Americans felt very safe: During 
World War 2,  did you have any attempts to prevent the locking of the American 
Japanese in detention camps?


    What kind of challenge are the Iranians to all of us? What kind of actions 
can we make that are fearless?


    In 2 days we are celebrating Passover, celebrate the becoming free from all 
slaveries - Fear is definitely one of them 


    Avner Haramati





    ----- Original Message ----- 

      From: Harrison Owen 


    Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:29 AM

    Subject: Re: Terrorized by terror -- Space closes


  Something that Chris said caught my eye. “Phill Cass calls the "private 
voice of possibility" which emerges into the public consciousness.  Suddenly 
we're not talking about the fearful aspects of a state run system of 
colonization, but rather a community owned and support enterprise to put the 
needs of children in the centre as seen by indigenous folks.” 
  I am not sure that I ended up where Chris was leading – but for me what 
came through was the end of “they.” One thing I have noticed in high fear 
dominated situations is the omnipresence of “they.” Seems like they did 
everything – or didn’t do what should have been done. But the net effect is 
that the face of fear is “they.” The only problem is that “they” has no 
face, which I suppose makes them even more fearful. And one of the gifts in 
Open Space is “they” simply disappears. It is all us. Sounds kind of flip 
and quaint, but I’ve seen it happen so often. In Jerusalem one time we did an 
Open Space (Tova and Avner did the honors) and we had Jews and Muslims. Not 
just the polite, usual suspects at such gatherings -- folks on the extremes. 
One of the Muslims (reputedly Hamas) offered a session – which attracted one 
of the Rabbis, amongst others. I was more than a little curious how it all 
might work out, and later I met the Rabbi – and he was
 bubbling. He said, I’ve never really talked to a Muslim before, but they are 
us! I think there might have been some problem with the Arabic, Hebrew, English 
transition, but the thought was very clear.
    Harrison Owen
  7808 River Falls Drive
  Potomac, Maryland   20854
  Phone 301-365-2093
  Skype hhowen
  Open Space Training 
  Open Space Institute
  Personal website 
  OSLIST: To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives 

  -----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Chris Corrigan
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: Terrorized by terror -- Space closes
  This is a wise response Wendy, about Open Space not being safe space but 
rather a space in which we can train with our fear.  Many of us who are martial 
artists will know the experience of bringing your fear to the dojang (in 
Korean, the training gym, like the Japanese dojo) and practice it with partners 
there so that you can encounter it and know it and then have it as a friend 
when you face the fearful things of the world.   Being hosted in Open Space is 
for me very much like training in a dojang. 

I'm drilling holes in the bathtub at the moment in a number of places, the most 
significant of which for me right now is in a year long project which is moving 
the decision making authority over child welfare from government to Aboriginal 
communities on Vancouver Island,.  We've been opening space on this one for 
years and now we have an intense engagement strategy set up and underway which 
involves convening and hosting meetings of all kinds around the Island which 
has, as the premise, "children at the centre."  This premise, this purpose, is 
the hole in the bathtub that is drawing people into what my friend Phill Cass 
calls the "private voice of possibility" which emerges into the public 
consciousness.  Suddenly we're not talking about the fearful aspects of a state 
run system of colonization, but rather a community owned and support enterprise 
to put the needs of children in the centre as seen by indigenous folks. 

Hold fear with consciousness and practice.

    On 3/30/07, Wendy Farmer-O'Neil <> wrote: 
      Dear Harrison,
  Thank you so much for starting this thread.  Chris, your analogy of the hole 
in the bathtub is a very clear representation of what (little) we know about 
creating change in complex systems.  Right now fear seems to be the primary 
attractor guiding the energy in the US system—and has been for some time (as 
you point out Pat).  Attempts to go head to head with that power vortex tend to 
reinforce it (as you suggest Harrison, the BIG EVENT may not be the way to 
influence the most change).  Watching for local patterns and opening space 
around local issues where folks can reignite their passion and rediscover their 
capacity to step into self-responsibility and exert local agency, does create 
new vortices, new attractors that inevitably pull energy away from the fear.  
  I find that open space is not so much a place without fear, as an exceptional 
place for folks to learn to feel the fear and act anyway—and learn that they 
won't die if they do.  That it's okay to let go into the fear, wander around a 
bit, keep breathing, until you find your feet and move on to what's next.  This 
is an essential skill for thriving in chaotic and complex times—and open 
space is a good place to learn and practice it.  Acting to create change or 
social innovation in a system is going to feel risky.  Most of us have been 
trained and educated to create and preserve security—so we will need to get 
used to feeling fear and acting anyway—with all of our wonderful flaws and 
  Whenever we give up basic rights, freedoms, and responsibilities for the 
illusion of security, we end up selling off a large part of our souls and our 
deepest humanity along with them.  A new trajectory of joy is what I am busy 
stumbling around to create.  Attempting to act, not out of fear, or against 
fear, but from a completely new and open space of joy and infinite possibility. 
  And yes, Harrison, I feel it as a responsibility.  That's why I risked a lot 
and went to Moscow to be there and support the opening of space in anyway that 
I could.  I was overcome standing in Red Square in front of Lenin's Mausoleum 
and the reviewing stand where so many years before I had watched on TV Brezhnev 
reviewing the May Day parade of weaponry.  I could not stop the tears from 
coming or from remembering how I felt in 1982 when I addressed an audience (at 
a 'peace conference') filled with Reagan's cold war cronies—that as a 
16-year-old, after three days of listening to them, I was without hope.  So to 
find myself standing in that place of such cold war symbolism, and to be there 
not as a tourist, but as a member of the open space community—to have 
actually been a part of an open space event in that place—felt like nothing 
short of miraculous—and at the same time so fragile. 
  So what am I doing these days to open space in spite of the fearosphere?  I 
am working hard with Cheryl Honey to refine and spread the practice of 
Community Weaving, which uses open space principles and takes it to the 
grassroots, non-event, daily life stuff—to remediate poverty and isolation 
and build resilient communities of care and belonging.  I'm hosting an OS on my 
little island on finding abundance doing what you love.  I have started the 
planning for an SOS (Sustainability Open Space) in the fall (I'll be calling 
you soon Chris W.).  I am talking to the local social planning council about 
the possibility of opening space with the homeless.   I've introduced the 
United Way to OS and we are looking at how they might use it to grow their new 
community development focus. Last year, we opened space here for a three day 
land use planning event—we did it by donation and covered our costs—and 
created a tremendous legacy for our community by establishing a community
 commons that actually passed all the zoning and land use amendments the first 
time through!!
  So just a couple of examples of little ways that I'm trying to drill a few 
holes in my local bathtub.  What other ways are you all engaged in this?  It 
would be so inspiring to hear more about the ways we are all opening little 
spaces for something new to emerge.
  Lots of love,

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