To my colleagues:

First allow me to apologize to those nearly 60 people
who expressed interest, enthusiam, and support for our
vision of a nearly simultaneous international books
conversation. I tried 4 different listservs (2 major,
2 minor), and was unable to receive the guidance and
support I felt was essential to bring this vision into
reality. I was also having problems with my own ISP,
or rather the phone company (thanks, AT&T!) for losing
connection more than 14 times in less than 12 months.
I knew e-mails were dropping off, both read and
(presumably) unread. So I also offer an apology to
those who were expecting a never-received response. I
was not able to envision success with at least
seemingly such a rocky road instead of a
"superhighway." I feel really sad about this. Perhaps
sometime in the future, if AT&T modernizes its
equipment in my area, and if can find a
responsible/accountable listserv/administrator, I'll
try again. I'd love to, and I'd like to justify the
faith that Marge Schiller had in me!

On a more personal note, this was not the worst but
most challenging year of my life, including my own 2
major surgeries for cancer (didn't have it!), the
death of my 14 year companion from lymphoma, my
sister's cancer, and a vision crisis. There were other
challenges along the way, but as someone said, "I fall
down, I get up, I keep dancing"!

True to my nature/style, I'd like to recommend 2 books
for those interested. The first is Barbara
Ehrenreich's Dancing in the Streets: A History of
Collective Joy. The publisher promises that Dancing is
"original, exhiliarating, and profoundly
optimistic...(it) concludes that we are innately
social beings, impelled almost instinctively to share
our joy, and therefore able to envision, perhaps even
create, a more peaceful future." I'm counting on it! 

(Sidebar: Speaking of peace, I hope you will all read
The Anatomy of Peace, a very small, simple book about
an Arab and an Israeli who came together in
forgiveness to teach others to give peace a chance.)

The second book I'm recommending is Marianne
Williamson's The Gift of Change. On page 230, she
writes, " When a positive change is occuring in our
lives, it's a good idea to take the time to sit
quietly and breathe it in, literally and figuratively.
In your mind's eye, see a picture of the new
situation, and imagine yourself functioning at your
best within it. Now with your eyes closed, breathe
deeply and feel yourself inwardly expanding into that
possibility within yourself. Such exercises are not
idle fantasies but actual powers of the mind." Yes!

One more suggestion. Go to for the video,
"Challenge Day." It is about the miraculous changes in
high school students  regarding virtually every
prejudice - in one day! Amazing, Grace!

I am releasing most of my professional library (AI,
OS, Future Search, conflict resolution, mediation,
research tools, philosophy). I tried to come up with a
way of selling them, but couldn't figure out an
equitable way. I will be donating them to the Berkeley
Public Library and Planned Parenthood book sales. Of
course I will keep my greatest treasures, i.e., the
work and guidance of Harrison, Marv and Sandra, David
and Diana, Juanita and David.

I am cancelling this email address, as I am moving on
to new professional ventures, and leaving behind the
gazillion junk mails I receive at this address. I am
keeping the addresses of the listservs, although for
now I am unsubscribing from them.. I will always be
open to collaborative positive change process, so if
you need to connect with me, you can send to at least for a while.

And not to worry. According to my email, I am the
lucky winner of 70/12 international lotteries. The
best of everything to all of you!  

As long as I am breathing, Pollyanna lives.  '-)

Cheering us all on,
Kate Armstrong

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