Rob, I have unfortunately no tips regarding traditional workshops, but what do 
you think about the following idea:

Invite the students and the professors first to an OST meeting.  If your client 
has not much time you could offer also a mini OST.  [We have lots of colleagues 
her in this community with conducting mini OST's] An Open Space invitation 
opens immediately the space for selforganized research and learning ... in 
order to be prepared for the OST workshop. After the OST your client will be 
surprised how much wisdom and knowledge about this topic is already in the 
system, I mean in this group of people. Then you would have supported the group 
to find great own aha's and own open questions and then you could help them to 
collect all resources and discuss further the entire theme. And then let the 
same group (by inviting perhaps also other interested people from the 
university) meet in a 3,5hour or 4hour follow-up OpenSpace-Online meeting (e.g. 
3-6 weeks later) about a question like "What have we learned?". With such 
future-oriented design you would help them to open spaces for interactive 
selforganized learning and research about the theme and you woul offer your 
client at the same time a great experience about OST, about OpenSpace-Online 
and about the power of combining both. If you have questions, please email me 
at I will be delighted to support you.

So far my two cents. Good luck with all!

With best regards to The Netherlands,

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